Golden Retriever's Cute Attempt to Dive for Pool Toys Is Beyond Hilarious

One of our favorite pool activities while growing up was diving for the toys that sank to the bottom. We’d test how deep we could get in one breath and how many toys we could pick up. Heck, we love it so much that we’d still play it now if we had the chance!

And believe it or not, there are some dogs out there who can’t get enough of this game either. Take for instance this Golden Retriever known on TikTok as @drakethepupstar. His diving skills still could use a little work, but hey, A+ for effort. LOL!

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LMAO! We’ve already watched this a hundred times because we can’t get enough and neither can the rest of TikTok. The video already has over 3.5 million views. It gets funnier each time you watch. We have hope that one day this Golden Retriever will be able to successfully dive for the pool toys.

"Omg his face looking down is killing me," said @tuckerbudzyn. Right?! His neck must be hurting as he looks down, but clearly that's not stopping him.

Pools are a great way to keep your dog cool while outside in the blistering summer sun, but we know not everyone has a pool. Don’t worry, there are plenty of other options to keep your dog shaded and cool in the summer. You might not think about how hot it can get in the car even when you’re driving, but the sun can still get in. Try window covers or putting shade over the crates in the car. As for cooling off, there are plenty of products like dog cooling mats, misting fans and cooling jackets.

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