Golden Retriever’s Reaction to Finally Having Her Own Back Yard Is the Best

It is no surprise that dogs love the outdoors, no matter how much of a couch potato they are in nature. Especially Golden Retrievers are quite the adventurers.

Meet Golden Retriever pup Mika, who also gets excited to be outdoors, as her owner captured her excitement once she encountered her own big backyard in a video posted on September 11. Let's see for ourselves!

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Aw, this is pure joy for her!

Golden Retrievers are known for their boundless enthusiasm for the outdoors, and their excitement when exploring nature is one of their defining characteristics.

This is perfect for her to run around, especially after being raised in an apartment, as Golden Retrievers are a breed known for their high energy levels. They thrive on physical activity and mental stimulation, and being outdoors is the perfect playground for them to run, jump, and explore, which helps them release their pent-up energy.

What they need now is a pool!

As we know, Golden Retrievers are an active breed that requires regular exercise to stay happy and healthy. Therefore, swimming, running, and playing fetch are always on their radar.

That being said, daily exercise is essential to prevent them from becoming bored and developing destructive behaviors.

Additionally, Golden Retrievers are naturally curious dogs. The outdoors offers a plethora of new sights, sounds, and smells for them to investigate. Now Mika can happily sniff around, dig in the dirt, and investigate every nook and cranny of her surroundings.

However, aside from loving the outdoors and exploring alone, Golden Retrievers are also very social dogs who enjoy being around people and are known for their loyalty and devotion to their families. This makes them the perfect family dog, as they are typically good with children, other dogs, and even strangers.

I can tell Mika will be very happy with her parents and her new surroundings, which offer just more space to roam freely and explore.

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