Golden Retriever Puppy’s Funny Reaction to Learning to ‘Sit’ Is Beyond Adorable

There's nothing cuter than watching puppies learn to do things in their new world. They're so innocent and clumsy and they can crack you up without meaning to do it. That's exactly what this video will do that Hugo the Malamute posted at the end of December 2023! Don't let the name fool you; the video isn't actually about's about his new little Golden Retriever brother, Barry.

In the video, dad is trying to teach Barry to sit, as Hugo watches from the side. Hugo already knows how to sit and looks bored by the training session. Meanwhile Barry knows that dad is holding a treat and keeps trying to get it from him. Dad keeps telling Barry to sit, and when he finally does, well, you've got to see how he does it!

Barry's way of sitting is beyond adorable! He's sitting on his bum and hind legs and holding his front legs up like he's begging. I think he's just trying to get closer to that treat! The best part is when you can tell he's trying to balance so he doesn't fall over. And he's looking at his dad like what are you laughing at? @Hugo the Malamute's commenters got a kick out of Barry's sit too. @karissteele2589 got almost 5,000 likes for her comment, "His little paaaaaws!!!!!" @Itzelenator made us laugh with, "Other pup looks like "He's not doing anything THAT funny". @flowerlife pointed out, "He was a prairie dog in his past life." and another commenter said, "My family calls that the meerkat pose". We have a pet rabbit, and we call that his meerkat pose, too!

Related: 9-Week-Old Golden Retriever Quickly Picking Up on Tricks Might Earn Him the Smartest Puppy Award

Teaching Puppies Basic Commands

I remember the first time my husband and I got a puppy; we had no idea how to even begin training her. This was before the internet, where you can literally find everything you need to know. Sit seems like a pretty basic command to teach a puppy, and there are others as well like come, stay, and down. But how do you do it?

For starters, you've got to be patient. If you get annoyed that your puppy is not doing what you're telling it to do, that energy will transfer to them. And on that note, use a gentle voice and keep it positive. Yelling will do nothing other than scare your puppy.

Keep your training sessions short. Just like with toddlers, puppies don't have the greatest attention span. Instead of doing a half-hour training session once a day you can split it into 5 minutes sessions, four or five times a day.

Don't forget the treats - bribery really works! I'm kidding but rewarding your pup with some positive reinforcement and a treat works much better than punishing them for not doing it right.

Picking up these basic commands probably won't take as long as you might think if you're consistent and patient. Teaching tricks might take longer, and remember, puppies aren't as coordinated as adult dogs so you may have to wait a little longer before trying to teach your new baby to speak or shake.

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