Golden Retriever Blowing Out His Birthday Candle Is As Sweet As It Gets

How did he learn to do that?!

If you’ve ever seen a little kid sitting in front of their birthday cake while everyone else sang, you might’ve noticed how confused they look. They could care less about all the attention. They just want to blow out the candles as quickly as possible and get to the main event. And that’s exactly how this one Golden Retriever was acting at his birthday party.

TikTok user @beaunosebones recently turned two and his parents hosted the most precious doggy birthday party. And just like a kid, this Golden Retriever could care less about the singing and decorations. He knew exactly what he needed to do to get to the cake faster and it's seriously mind-blowing!

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O.M.G. Did you see that?! This doggo totally blew out his candle. He even waited until his parents told him to blow it out. That’s downright impressive if you ask us! Our dogs wouldn’t even let us light a birthday candle for them because they’d already be neck-deep in the cake. LOL!

“He did that awkward thing us humans do of looking around and ignoring the people singing happy birthday to you,” commented @miss_n1734. HA! At least we know we aren’t the only ones who do it. We also think he was looking around wondering when the heck the song was going to end so he could get to eating! “Beau is like, ‘Ok done, let’s eat cake.” He’s already thinking about seconds because the song was taking too long!

@byporcupineee wrote, “Omg smart! He was keeping his head up so the candles don’t go out early.” That could be true, but we also think he kept his head up because he knew if he looked down and saw that cake it would’ve been game over. LOL!

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