Goat Crashes Couple's Romantic Switzerland Proposal and It's Epic

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There is so much natural beauty on the Earth, from the plants we admire to the animals we see in passing. It makes sense why so many people feel better when spending time outdoors, and why so many people find a special outdoor place for one of life's most precious moments. We're talking about wedding proposals, of course!

And nothing screams 'romance' quite like goats, right? Well, that wasn't part of the original plan when Kevin Solleroz decided to propose to his girlfriend in the beautiful Swiss Alps, but that's what the happy couple got! That's right--their romantic proposal was interrupted by the cutest goat visitor, and it only made the late September moment more memorable.

LMAO! This is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime moment, that's for sure. Neither Kevin nor his fiancee will forget the romantic occasion or its adorable crasher, and neither will the video's commenters--who have a lot to say about the couple's wedding plans.

Related: Dogs Totally Spoil Mom's Engagement in the Most Fitting Way

"That's your wedding video intro, right before you welcome the bride and groom," suggested @gobshnoza. Actually, that would be really cute! Even though their proposal was completely interrupted, the timing of the interruption is enough to make anyone giggle--especially with that fantastic close-up picture of the Swiss goat!

Someone else suggested making the goat into the wedding's flower girl, though we'd be worried about whether any flowers would be left for the wedding! Grazing animals like goats would be tempted by the greenery in a wedding, and you wouldn't want your guest of honor destroying the decor, would you? Perhaps a proposal spotlight was the perfect role for this curious animal. It certainly made the perfect interrupted engagement video!

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