I'm Dying To Know Which "Glee" Cover Songs You Think Have Surpassed Their Original Versions

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In the year of our Lord 2022, I think it's finally time to admit that some Glee cover songs have completely surpassed their original versions in terms of quality and substance.


I mean, are you telling me that you'd rather listen to Ne-Yo's upbeat "Let Me Love You" rather than Jake Puckerman's haunting rendition?

Jake Puckerman wears a lightly colored striped shirt and Marley Rose wears a brightly colored patterned scarf and headband

Watch the haunting ballad here:

Please look me in my eye and tell me Marley and Unique's duet of "Blow Me (One Last Kiss)" doesn't completely outsell P!nk's, from their vocals to their stellar performance!

Marley Rose wears lightly colored jeans and a dark t-shirt and Unique Adams wears a dark dress under a matching jacket as they sing together on stage in front of a band

Watch their stellar rendition here:

What about when the Warblers turned Flo Rida's "Whistle" from a generic pop song into an acapella masterpiece?

The Warbler glee club wear matching brightly colored uniform blazers and ties while singing on stage

Watch their stellar performance here:

And, of course, we can never, EVER forget Santana and Sebastian's duet of "Smooth Criminal," which is the most iconic version of this song, and if you disagree, you can argue with the wall.

A close up of Sebastian Smythe and Santana Lopez stands behind a viola player

Watch this instant classic here:

So, which Glee cover songs do you consider to be better than their originals? Please tell us which ones and why in the comments below! The best responses could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!
