Glasses Emoticon Pumpkin Stencil

We recommend lighting up this sweet emoticon's smile with a bright, battery-operated tealight candle. We prefer electric candles over flame-lit candles, primarily for their lack of smoke. (Of course, their realistic flicker is charming, too!)

To carve:

1. Open up your pumpkin by flipping it on its side and slicing a circle in its underside. (Hint: Be sure the circle is wide enough to comfortably fit your hand and arm through.) Clear away the mushy, fibrous strands and seeds. Cut off the pulpy side of the pumpkin circle cutout with your knife to form a flat candle platform.

2. Print out the free pattern and smooth it against the exterior of your pumpkin, taping it into position. Copy the pattern onto the pumpkin skin by piercing along the stencil lines with a large nail. (Hint: Keep nail holes within 1/8 inch for the most-detailed carving results.)

3. Remove the paper stencil, and carve along the nail holes with a thin wood-cutting knife. (Hint: Use a sawing motion as you carve.)

4. To remove carved pieces, push on them gently from inside the pumpkin to dislodge them. Discard excess pieces.

5. Set the leveled pumpkin circle where you wish to display your carved pumpkin, and place a battery-operated candle on the circle. Rest your carved pumpkin over the top of the circle, and enjoy the glow.