Glassdoor Releases List of 50 Best Jobs in America

Time to update your resume.

If mom and dad desperately want you to pursue the lawyer/doctor/rocket science route but you're heart's not just in it, you might just want to hang a handy list on the fridge. This week, career tracking site Glassdoor sourced the 50 top jobs in America in 2018. You'll notice a lot of them have to do with computers, which mom and dad probably still think are a phase. As it turns out, developing and coding are among some of the most lucrative career paths you can choose, with 20 tech jobs occupying the list this year up from 14 last year.

If you're not super tech-oriented, fear not. Glassdoor chief economist Dr. Andrew Chamberlain said in a statement that creativity is an indispensable attribute in the workforce. “Workers with certain technical and soft skills, such as creativity, flexibility and good judgement, are at an advantage across industries, from health care to finance to HR, to leverage advances in artificial intelligence and automation. That’s because AI is increasingly complementing these jobs, while not replacing the people needed to do them,” he said. Other industries to dominate the list include health care and marketing.

Occupying the top five spots are data scientist with a median base salary (MBS) of $110,000; Devops engineer with an MBS of $105,000; Marketing manager with an MBS of $85,000; Occupational therapist with an MBS of $74,000; and HR manager with an MBS of $85,000. The rankings were not determined by salary alone, but by a satisfaction rating out of five and the highest number of job openings. Keep in mind though that there isn't as strong of a correlation between salary and job satisfaction. Dr. Chamberlain says work environment, corporate culture, and benefits all play a role in employment loyalty. Of course, though, fancy office coffee doesn't necessarily pay rent. For a more immediate projection of your earning potential, LinkedIn released a report outlining the highest paid jobs for recent grads.

Moral of the story? Next time you're scolded for fooling around on Snapchat instead of doing your homework, tell your folks you're investing in your career.

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