The Girl Scouts are introducing some extremely badass new badges today, and are we too old to sign up?

On Tuesday, July 17th, Girl Scouts introduced new badges involving STEM and the environment for girls ages 5 to 18, and we are experiencing major FOMO.

Many of us have happy memories from our time as Girl Scouts, but prepare to feel a bit of FOMO when you hear this news. On Tuesday, July 17th, Girl Scouts of the USA is introducing some pretty sweet badges for STEM and outdoor activities, and we wish we weren’t too old to earn them.

The rollout includes 30 new badges for girls and gender non-conforming kids ages 5 to 18 that will encourage them to explore areas that they might not have been exposed to previously. It’s apparent that there aren’t nearly enough women in STEM fields, and although things are starting to change, these badges could give girls the boost they need to find their talent for helping the environment, cyber security, or even robotics.

Anyone who’s been a Girl Scout knows that earning a badge requires completing activities that show you’ve learned new things about the topic and put some of those things you learned into practice, so these badges are definitely going to introduce young Girl Scouts to brand new skills that could help them change the world someday.

Girls in grades six through 12 can earn an Environmental Advocacy badge (and TBH, is there anything our world needs more right now?), as well as brand new robotics badges and a College Knowledge badge that helps you learn how to apply for school and get financial aid — something we definitely wish we had when we were in high school.

There are two new Journeys as well, which are more intensive and time-consuming than earning a badge, including one called Think Like a Programmer and another called Think Like An Engineer.

Younger girls have plenty to look forward to, too. Girls from kindergarten through fifth grade also have brand new offerings, including Environmental Stewardship, Cyber Security, and Space Science badges. There’s also a badge for Girl Scout Juniors about mechanical engineering that helps them learn how to design paddle boats and understand jet propulsion. Pretty cool, right?

We love that Girl Scouts is introducing these badges for girls who might not realize how much they love math and science. Our only regret? The fact that we’re way too old to participate. Can we go to camp, please?