Girl Scout Troop in Tennessee Turns Cookie Sales Into an Effort to Help Lost Dogs

A Brentwood, Tennessee Girl Scout Troop is using proceeds from their cookie sale to make sure lost dogs are returned to their owners, by using the funds to purchase and install pet microchip scanners at their local library

With these scanners, anyone who finds a lost dog can bring them into the library and scan them for a microchip.

WMUR reports the troop came up with the idea for the microchip scanners two years ago and got permission from commissioners in Williamson County, Tennessee.

"The troop told WTVF that they are proud to be doing good in their community, and they’re grateful that selling the cookies helps them do that.

"Selling cookies is of course really fun but it feels really great knowing we helped a lot of lost animals,” Girl Scout Ainslee Wright said."

Related: Heartbreaking Experience of Losing a Pet Is an Important Reminder to Microchip

Not only are Girl scout cookies delicious, this is such an amazing thing this troop has done for their community and their pets. Their parents should be so proud of them!

How Microchips Help Pets

A microchip is a small, electronic chip enclosed in a glass cylinder that is about the same size as a grain of rice, injected under the skin of your pet using a hypodermic needle.

Microchips provide a permanent form of ID for pets. Unlike collars and tags, which can become lost, removed, or if your dog is like my dog, chewed off, microchips remain implanted under the pet's skin for their entire life.

Most microchips used in pets only contain identification numbers, but some microchip registries allow owners to store their pet's medical history and important information, such as vaccination records and allergies.

Microchips can help act as a deterrent to pet-napping. Thieves and criminals are less likely to steal a pet with a microchip, as it can be easily traced back to its rightful owner. That makes it difficult for a bad person to sell your pet for profit.

Microchips serve as indisputable proof of ownership for pets. If your dog or cat is lost or stolen the microchip will be registered to you so that no one else can claim ownership. That's why it's also important to update your pet's microchip information with your current address.

Microchipping is the best way to help your pet if it becomes lost and it will give you peace of mind knowing if someone does bring your lost pet into a shelter or vet's office, you will be contacted to be reunited with your dog or cat.

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