Gifts for Book Lovers

As much as we all enjoy gift giving during the holiday season, it can be difficult finding the perfect gift for a particular person. You probably have several people on your list that fall into specific categories; you need gift ideas for your neighbors, teachers, and co-workers. A lot of thought goes into choosing each gift. The easiest category to buy for, however, has to be book lovers. First of all, you know you can just get us another book about a subject we are intensely interested in. Whether your book lover is a history buff, a Shakespeare enthusiast, or a chef-in-the-making, a glance at the latest best-sellers list will point you in the right direction. Book lovers are also easy because they don't have to have brand new books; sometimes the best gift is an old book found at a garage sale or a used bookstore. If you find a raggedy, early edition Nancy Drew detective book, grab it up, and then head home to bake a tin of treats from this great selection of cookies and bars. Wrap the book and cookies, and pat yourself on the back. That is the best gift ever for certain book lovers. Need a few more ideas? Here is a lineup of both fun and quirky gifts the book lover on your list will enjoy.