Giant crocodile kite among attractions at festival

A giant crocodile, snakes and sea creatures are among the inflatable kites taking to the skies in the East Riding of Yorkshire.

Thousands of visitors are visiting the annual Bridlington Kite Festival to watch fliers from across the country take part in the event.

It is taking place until Sunday at Sewerby Fields.

John Elvin, 71, from Wiltshire, attended for the first time and said it was worth the travel because "it's such a good event".

Ernie Williamson, left, and John Elvin at the Bridlington kite festival with kites in the sky behind them
From left, Ernie Williamson and John Elvin say they have been interested in kites from an early age [Jo Makel / BBC]

Blustery conditions gave fliers a few problems on Saturday, but the event was not disrupted.

Mr Elvin added: "There’s a really nice flying field and a great crew of people who have organised it.

"It is such a pleasure to come and join in with such a great event."

Giant inflatable snake kites on display at Bridlington
Kite fliers from around the country brought their giant inflatables to Bridlington [Jo Makel / BBC ]

One of the kites grabbing plenty of attention was a giant inflatable crocodile.

It is being flown by Mark Jones, 56, from Preston, a kite flier who takes his passion seriously.

He said: "His name is Rick, Crocodile Rick, and he cost me just over £2,000.

"I am fortunate enough to get invited to travel all over the world. This year I have been to Thailand, Malaysia, Borneo and we have just been to France and Italy, flying Rick over there.

"If I could retire and travel the world doing this I would do - it’s superb."

Teddy bear kite flying at the Bridlington Kite Festival
The kites on show ranged from teddy bears to sea creatures [Jo Makel / BBC ]

Also at the event was Ernie Williamson, 79, from Essex. He has attended plenty of these types of events in the region and said: "Northern kite-fliers are so friendly and you always feel so welcome."

Admission to the event is free and visitors can have a go with kites available for loan during supervised sessions.

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