GH Seal Spotlight: MetalMan Roofing

Photo credit: ENGLERT
Photo credit: ENGLERT

Find your dream roofing with MetalMan's wide range of standing metal roof and wall panel profiles, panel widths and finishes.


Englert's Metal Man roofing impressed our engineering and creative teams thanks to its efficient, aesthetic and durable architecture.

  1. CUSTOM COLORS The assortment is seemingly endless as you can match the color of virtually anything you'd like – brick, wood, even fabric!

  2. SUPER DURABLE Having a roof made of meal means a long-lasting, low-maintenance approach that will surely increase your home's resale value.

  3. CLEAN LINES The metal roofing allows for architectural versatility – enjoy continuous seam transitions from the roof to siding.

  4. ENERGY EFFICIENT The low gloss paint coatings increase heat reflectivity, thereby reducing heat levels on the roof. With heat reflected away from your home, energy costs can be reduced with cooler interiors.

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