Meet the Australian gin brand pushing botanical boundaries just far enough

The gin stills at Four Pillars in Australia's Yara Valley
The gin stills at Four Pillars in Australia's Yara Valley

As I bat away the bombardment of botanically driven gin bottles arriving daily on my desk (some brilliant, some an abomination), I wonder where some producers have the gall go next. Sickly sweet with strawberry or a preposterously pungent whiff of parma violet, it seems some have strayed too far from the essence of the spirit.

But, while I’m a staunch advocate of the message that gin is juniper, and juniper needs to drive this spirit, I admit I’ve been won over by the experimental endeavours of the Australians at Four Pillars. Perhaps this is because at the heart of their story is a genuine passion for this distillate, and with that, some very worthy approaches to luxury and innovation.

The gin distillery, based in the wine region of the Yara Valley, opened its doors in 2013 and the gins here take inspiration from locally sourced botanicals, including lemon myrtle and Tasmanian pepper berry. These ingredients come together excellently in the Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin (£36.95, Whisky Exchange), which also includes whole oranges for an extra citrus bite.

Four Pillars gin
The experimental endeavours of makers at Four Pillars have won Tom Sandham over

More recently though, Four Pillars announced it would be selling its Shiraz in Selfridges (available in store for £49.99), and this is certainly a departure from a traditional, juniper forward gin.

After a bumper crop of shiraz grapes in the region, the team at Four Pillars decided to steep uncrushed shiraz berries with the high proof Rare Dry gin. The process took eight weeks and the result is remarkable. The deep red colour of the gin is matched with a beautiful, rich red berry and spice, and yet for all the full fruit flavour, it doesn’t deny the gin drinker that hit of juniper. Those familiar with sloe gins will want to compare, but this is coming in at 37.8% so is a punchy gin, helpful when you consider using it in cocktails or with tonic.

The decision to bring grapes into the gin conversation steers the sprit towards vermouth, a botanically charged wine, but Bloody Shiraz is nothing more than a nod to it. What it achieves with this nod, is a cocktail in a bottle, and when chilled and served neat, it’s an excellent drop.

The balanced mix of botanicals wins through in creations by Four Pillars
The balanced mix of botanicals wins through in creations by Four Pillars

But keep an eye on the distillery for more innovation. Four Pillars more recently worked with the equally innovative Hernö Distillery from Sweden, combining the botanical strengths of both hemispheres. The two distilleries incorporated botanicals ranging from standards such as juniper and coriander, to river mint, roasted wattleseed, strawberry gum, lemon myrtle, meadowsweet and fresh lemons. The resulting Dry Island Gin is further evidence of how botanical boundaries can be pushed without sacrificing the soul of gin.

Meanwhile, for gin fans looking to keep things luxury,  Hernö is another gin worth dipping into. Its juniper cask is a fantastic experiment in wood finishing and ensures juniper is front of mind as you sip it (£57.95, Whisky Exchange).

four pillars bloody shiraz gin - Credit: Tom Elms
Uncrushed Shiraz berries have been steeped with high-proof rare dry gin to make 'a cocktail in a bottle' Credit: Tom Elms

Gin’s current experimental phase should be admired, after all, it brings new drinkers to the spirit - and after decades of inertia, this should be celebrated. But producers should only tamper with the traditions if they’re up to the task. The folks at Four Pillars and Hernö definitely are, so come highly recommended by this purist.

Tom Sandham is one of the Thinking Drinkers, drinks experts and comedy performing duo who will be taking their new show to the Edinburgh Fringe and on a UK tour in 2018/19. All dates on their website,