Get Your Best Butt Ever from J. Lo's Trainer

Develop the booty of your dreams with this exclusive Eat This, Not That! plan (Photo: DFree / Shutterstock)

From Pippa Middleton’s butt crashing the royal wedding to Kim K’s rear crashing the Internet, back ends are at the forefront of what’s hot, sexy and beautiful. But while zaftig stars like Nicki Minaj, Sofia Vergara and Iggy Azalea are sitting pretty today, one woman deserves the credit for making the trunk the most coveted part of the machine: Jennifer Lopez.

Before J. Lo, female stars were lean and wiry. But Jenny from the Block broke the mold and made it okay for big-bottomed girls to stop hiding their assets. And now you can get the butt you’ve always wanted (Anaconda or otherwise) thanks to this exclusive Eat This, Not That! Best Butt Ever workout from Jay Cardiello, the celebrity trainer who helped J.Lo build her devastating derriere.

All of the exercises in the circuit below target the glute muscles from every angle to help you sculpt a strong, full, defined booty. And to get your entire body tight in time for Spring, pair this workout with one of the essential 5 Teas That Melt Fat Fast!


To complete the workout, perform as many reps of each exercise as you can in thirty seconds and then move directly on to the next exercise. If moving from one exercise to the next without rest seems overwhelming, fear not! Cardiello suggests taking a one minute breather in between the two circuits to recover. Go through the full workout three days per week to get your best butt ever—in no time!

FIRST CIRCUIT (2 minutes)

Pendulum Swings: (30 seconds each leg)

Begin in a traditional push-up position. Your hands should be directly underneath your shoulders and your legs should be fully extended behind you. Be sure to keep your eyes focused toward the ground. Bring your right knee under your navel and then out toward your right side in one swift motion. Pause for a moment and then swing your knee back under your navel, allowing it to pass its original starting position. Repeat the motion as many times as you can for 30 seconds, then switch to the left side.

Modification: Perform the exercise on on all fours with knees hip-width apart.

Double Ups: (1 minute)

Begin in a traditional push-up position with both hands directly underneath your shoulders and legs fully extended behind you, feet together. Then, brace your core and jump both feet to the outside of your right hand. Jump feet back into a traditional pushup position and then brace your core and jump both feet to the outside of your left hand. Repeat this exercise sequence as quickly as possible until time is up.

Modification: If you start getting tired, slow the pace of the exercise sequence. Or get more energy instantly with our exclusive Eat This, Not That! report on the Best Fuel for Every Workout.

Rest for 60 seconds before starting the second circuit.

SECOND CIRCUIT (2 minutes, 30 seconds)

The Breakdancer: (30 seconds)

Begin on all fours with your back flat and your head in a neutral position. Push up through your toes so your knees are elevated beneath you. In one swift movement, move your weight onto your left hand, bring your left leg under your hips and across your body. Twist your torso so the toes of your left foot and bellybutton are pointing toward the ceiling. Your left leg should be fully extended. Reach your right hand to your left foot until they touch. Return to starting position and repeat on the other side. Continue alternating sides back and forth.

Though your goal is to sculpt a seriously toned backside, this exercise will give you a full-body burn. Shed flab from your stomach, too, with these 11 Eating Habits That Will Uncover Your Abs.

Rockin’ the Cradle: (30 seconds each leg)

Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and your hands on your hips. Keeping your chest up, step forward with your left leg until your left thigh is parallel to the floor and your left foot is flat on the floor. Brace your core and lower your hips until your right knee is about an inch from the floor. Push off from your left foot in one explosive movement so it lifts from the floor and transfers all of your weight onto your right leg, which straightens to standing position as you move. Return to the lunge position and repeat. Continuing this movement until time is up, then switch sides.

Tic Tac Toes: (30 seconds each leg)

Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and your hands on your hips. Keeping your chest up, step forward with your right foot until your right thigh is parallel to the floor and your right foot is flat on the floor. Brace your core and lower your hips until your left knee is about an inch from the floor. Hold this position. In one explosive movement, jump your right foot as far to the right as possible. As soon as your foot makes contact with the floor, jump the same foot as far to the left as possible. Continue jumping to the left and right for thirty seconds. Then, switch sides, placing your left foot in front and perform the exercise sequence again, but this time, jumping your left foot as far to the left as possible first and then jumping to the right.

Modification: If you start getting tired, slow the pace of the exercise sequence. If you need more of a challenge, increase your rate of exertion.


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