Germany's Highest Peak Reporting Fresh Snowfall

Images from Europe's late-August snow storms continue to surface.

Yesterday, August 30th, the Facebook page for Zugspitze -- Germany's highest peak -- reported that it, too, saw a fresh blanketing of the white stuff.

See images of the wintry surprise below.

I'm happy to report that the snow's still sticking around as of today, August 31st. Zugspitze's webcams show what appears to be a few centimeters of snow at high elevations.

<p>Zugspitze Top Of Germany</p>

Zugspitze Top Of Germany

View the 3 images of this gallery on the original article

So does this mean an early start to Germany's ski season, or what?

Unfortunately, probably not. calls for warming temperatures at Zugspitze over the next few days.

Other mountainous regions in Europe also saw snow this week.

On August 29th, Les 3 Vallées, a French resort, shared that it'd received a fresh blanketing of summer snow.

And, across the pond in Oregon, Mt. Hood Meadows posted an image of a high-altitude dusting of snow on Mt. Hood yesterday, August 30th. 

While fun to check out, these instances probably don't indicate that winter will arrive two months in advance.

Still, a guy can dream, right?

While I'm no forecaster, my hope is that these early snowfalls indicate that we can anticipate another wintry ski season replete with storms and pow days. Do those snow dances, people!

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