German Shepherd's Unbreakable Bond with Baby Is Touching People's Hearts

The pup even waits for her to wake up each day.

TikTok user @amandaa6613 is witnessing one of the most beautiful friendships we've ever seen unfold right in front of her. It's a bond between her baby and their German Shepherd. Yes, we've seen plenty of precious friendships between children and pets, but we promise you this is truly something special.

For starters, the two of them are only 1 month apart in age, which means they're going to have a very long and happy life together. But secondly, the fact that they start out every single morning together is actual goals. This video is touching hearts left and right!

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Be still our hearts! We can't believe how close these two are at such a young age. Just imagine how much more their bond will grow as they get older. Also, did we mention how jealous we are of this relationship?! We want to have cuddle sessions with our dogs every morning. Then maybe we wouldn't be so grumpy the rest of the day! LOL!

"That's beautiful and the baby has a protector and friend forever," said @debsmith440. Totally! There's nothing that will ever come between these two peas in a pod. @bigmook73 added, "The safest baby on the block." You can say that again!

Another TikTok user, @lisagirly1, commented, "Awww best friends! I love that the baby is gentle with the fur baby. I don’t like to see kids being rough with animals." Right?! It's seriously so sweet how both of them know to be gentle with the other. That's pure love!

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