German Shepherds Stall Before Bedtime Just Like a Pair of Human Siblings

Do your dogs know when its bedtime? Just like people, most dogs either look forward to going to bed or dread hitting the hay. DogLifewithBrett shared a video in mid-January 2024 of his two German Shepherds - Olivia and Maya - winding down the day, and just like little kids, they did everything they could to avoid having to lay down and go to bed.

The video is just over a minute long, and you can hear Brett off camera telling the dogs it's time for bed. The two dogs decide it's time to fight, and start play fighting with each other. My favorite is when Brett wonders, "Why is there so much teeth right now?"

They acted just like my kids acted when they were little! I thought it was funny when @Brett told Maya she was getting her behind kicked!" But when dad has finally has enough and tells them to go to bed, they actually do with no whining involved! That part is different from what little kids do...there were no tears involved here, no asking for more water or one more story; the girls just went and got into bed.

Related: Clever Cat Puts the Dog to Bed So He Can Hog All Mom's Attention

Reactions to the Dogs' Play Fight

Well that was the slowest, most dragged out dog fight ever, wasn't it?! I wasn't the  only one who thought the fight was funny. @Clara pointed out, "Olivia being a snapping turtle" and Brett replied, "Always lol! The sound makes me laugh every time!" @Deandra liked Olivia's "Stretch bite sneak attack!"

I also thought it was interesting that one dog slept in a dog bed while the other slept on mom and dad's bed...wonder why that is?

If you're like Brett and have dogs that don't want to get to bed, there are some tips to get them to get some shut eye. Create a relaxing bedtime - instead of the loud soccer game that was on TV, maybe put on some white noise or music. Make sure your dog is getting enough exercise throughout the day so that they are tired when the time comes.

Did you know that melatonin is safe for dogs? Do your research to see how much your dog's breed can have, and then give them a dose before bed. Melatonin is so calming and relaxing, and makes going to sleep much easier.

Just like with kids, you might have to try a few different things to find what works the best for your pooch to get them to go to sleep. Also just like with kids, some nights are better (easier) than others. When you get one of those nights, make sure to thank your lucky stars!

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