Georgia Tech Dancer Raianna Brown Shares Why She Kneels

Hundreds of NFL and WNBA players took a knee during the national anthem to protest police brutality and racial violence this weekend, furthering a movement started by quarterback Colin Kaepernick last season. Comments from President Trump calling for players who protest during the anthem to be fired motivated many more players to get involved. Following Trump’s comments, a photo began to go viral on Twitter, being shared tens of thousands of times. The photo is of a lone member of the Georgia Tech University Goldrush dance team, Raianna Brown, kneeling in the middle of the football field, surrounded by standing teammates. She thanked Colin Kaepernick for inspiring her to #TakeAKnee.

The image was taken at a football game against the University of Miami last season, on October 1, 2016. The 22-year-old first posted it to her Instagram account the next day and tells Teen Vogue that she reposted it in light of the recent NFL protests and to show solidarity with the athletes, calling it her “proudest & scariest moment as a yellow-jacket.” Often overlooked in the media attention surrounding male athletes who are protesting injustice are the women who are doing it, too. Brown’s action — which lasted the remainder of the season — came before the anthem protests had picked up speed this weekend.

Brown, who is dual enrolled and studying industrial and systems engineering at Georgia Tech and dance at Emory University, is in her fifth year of school. She is not a member of the Goldrush dance team this year, due to having hip surgery in May and not yet being cleared to dance. Teen Vogue spoke to her about why she chose to take a knee during the anthem.

Teen Vogue: Why did you decide to kneel during the anthem?

Raianna Brown: I have always had a big interest in social justice, whether it’s marching or activism through the arts or community service. My platform is about social justice regarding police brutality in the state of Georgia, to begin having those conversations about the racial injustices going on in the United States. I’m also a choreographer and a lot of my work has social justice messages to it, or an activist message to it.

I saw Kaepernick’s protest and I saw his statement about why he was doing it — to show solidarity with people who had been affected by police brutality and racial injustices and bringing light to conversation. But the catalyst for me was the killing of Terence Crutcher [who was killed by a white police officer in Tulsa, Oklahoma]. I sent my coach a text message and spoke with her and told her I was going to kneel at the game and I told her why — to bring light to this important issue and take a stand by kneeling on something I believe is very important but isn’t discussed all the time.

TV: Did you tell your teammates ahead of time that you were planning to do it?

RB: Before I kneeled, I reached out to my coach to make sure it was OK because I’m at a state school. I wanted to give them a heads up prior and I spoke to the athletic association’s PR team so i could have someone i could speak to if I got any backlash or needed support. Prior to the game, I told some of my teammates what I was doing and why and I told them they could kneel if they wanted, that I’d spoken to the coach and there wouldn’t be any backlash.

TV: But none of them chose to kneel with you?

RB: None of them ever did, no. I kneeled for the rest of the season.

TV: What was the reaction like from your teammates and the school?

RB: For the most part it was very supportive. There wasn’t any bad blood toward my teammates for choosing not to kneel because I’m a strong believer that every social justice movement needs people on all sides of the spectrum. You need people like me who are more visible, and people who feel more comfortable being active behind closed doors. I didn’t feel anything but support from my peers at school aside from a few negative comments when I first posted pic. There was a lot of backlash from alumni but none of that directly went to me, Georgia Tech did a good job of filtering that out and keeping it away from me. This time though I’ve gotten a lot of negative comments but it’s greatly outweighed by the positive support I’ve received so it doesn’t bother me.

TV: How do you feel about the spreading of the protests and more athletes taking a knee?

RB: I think it’s a great thing that the conversation is becoming more of a forefront issue because it’s a systemic issue. It’s not a one-time thing of ‘this innocent person happened to be shot and killed because of their race.’ It’s more of a systemic issue, so there needs to be a systemic change and I think it’s great that athletes are using their high-profile status to bring more light to the conversation. But it saddens me that it’s still such a large issue and even a year later, this picture has so much weight to it. In an ideal world, the protest last year would have caused more change but I know change is slow and it’s necessary to put in the work to make that happen.

TV: Male athletes often get the attention for their activism, but women like you, like the players of the WNBA, like soccer player Megan Rapinoe, are actively protesting, too. What do you think the role of women athletes in this movement is?

RB: A lot of social change and social justice, even the modern social justice movement, has been sparked by women in the community but in historical accounts, women are often washed away from the history. But it’s great that men and women and other people are coming together to say ‘we’re not going to stand for this treatment for people of color and lack of recognition of humanity of other people.’ I love that women are taking a knee to take a stand and that’s been brought to light even more, that it’s an issue that everyone should be concerned about. But it’s super inspiring to see all the women at the forefront of this issue.

TV: Is there anything else you would like people to know?

RB: Some people think kneeling during the anthem is a form of disrespect but I don’t mean any disrespect and I made sure to research why the anthem is played at sporting events and when that began before I did it. But it didn’t feel right to stand when so many people are being killed unlawfully or being treated unlawfully in prison systems. It’s important to put yourself on the line, even if you’re nervous, and make a stand for something you believe in.

Related: NFL Players Kneel & Link Arms During National Anthem in Defiance of Donald Trump