A Georgia Brewery Named A Beer After Dr. Anthony Fauci And They Have A Whole Line Of 'Pandemic Beers'

Photo credit: Sarah Silbiger - Getty Images
Photo credit: Sarah Silbiger - Getty Images

From Delish

Many food brands are doing what they can to give back to healthcare workers on the frontlines of the current pandemic. A Georgia-based beer company named an ale after Dr. Anthony Fauci and saw so much success with it that they're already brewing more to put on shelves.

This isn't the first company doing something similar in honor of Dr. Fauci's hard work. A bake shop in Rochester, NY, has been selling donuts with Fauci's headshot on them, and now this beer is named after the man, too. If you somehow don't know who Dr. Anthony Fauci is, he's the leading disease expert during the COVID-19 crisis. You've likely seen him on your television at some point over the last few weeks.

To shout him out for his work, Wild Heaven Beer named an açaí pale ale "Fauci Spring." According to a KOMO News interview with co-founder Nick Purdy of Wild Heaven Beer, the initial launch of Fauci Spring was so successful that the company is now working on brewing 1,300 more cases of the drink for its second launch.

Fauci Spring is just one of the "pandemic beers" Wild Heaven Beer has come out with in recent weeks. Purdy says that this line of beers was put together to help keep customers in a positive mood: “Our job is to put smiles on people’s faces and so if during this crisis these beers have provided a little bit of levity and a little bit of fun then I think we’ve done our job,” he told The Associated Press.

Other beers in the collection include "Don't Stand So Close To Me," a German-style lager and "We Will Meet Again," a rye India pale ale that references a line from Queen Elizabeth's recent message.

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