Genuine Christian patriotism

Christianity and the United States of America both stand for freedom, liberty, justice, equality, and wisdom. Early in the founding of the Nation, a passion for public education helped define that which has made America great. The Christian scriptures call for wisdom, discernment, and denounce unquestioned allegiance to doctrine and propaganda. Yet, as this nation celebrates 247 years of freedom and justice for all as a sovereign nation, it is a disgrace that many in both the church and the nation are forsaking the founding call of faith from which the USA arose, in favor of the absolute denial of both Christian and National freedoms.

Although Christ died for all, many in America today promote a false gospel that proclaims that Jesus only cares for those who adhere to strict church doctrines of belief. In an even greater disgrace of Christian fidelity, some churches idolatrously promote a doctrine that America is God’s blessed “New Israel” and therefore stands alone as God’s chosen nation.

In an affront to the importance of education for both faithful Christians and patriotic Americans, many in the nation today are adopting the egregious practice of banning books and credible academic theories that fail to conform to narrow-minded ideologies and belief systems. The blessing of human creativity, inquisitive thought, and diversity gets hijacked by ideological, theological, and political doctrine, trickery, and outright falsehoods that not only fail to support the principal of freedom and justice for all, but stomp on the Constitutional foundation of free speech and expression. Sadly, much of the censorship is rationalized in the narcissistic presumption of protecting morality, decency, and shielding others from presumed offensive material. Yet, when critical thinking is banned in favor of tribal loyalty, offensive material is restricted out of preference for doctrinal purity, and relevant scientific theory is undermined because it challenges religious theology, the practice fails to serve Christ, democracy, freedom, and justice.

Today, and the days to follow, are a wonderful celebration of America. It is an occasion where patriotism is championed, our national freedoms are celebrated, and the truly great nation that is America is appreciated. It is important that, in the midst of this celebration of independence, Christians and Americans be authentic to that which marks true patriotism and Christian fidelity. An American patriot does not bow to a flag, but defends liberty, justice, and equality for all. This necessarily means advocating for everyone’s liberty, not just the liberty of those who think, feel, believe, and vote according to some narrow definition of “right.”

Additionally, one of the founding principles that has made America truly great is the Constitutional guarantee of freedom of religion. This necessarily means all religions—not just yours, mine, or theirs. When Christians in America seek to use distinctively nationalistic Christian theology to restrict, impede, censor, or otherwise delegitimize other religious beliefs, we not only undermine Christ’s love for all the world, but usurp the very foundational principles of the Bill of Rights.

A true celebration of American Independence comes with a spirited welcoming of human diversity, the elimination of politized attempts to ban freedom of speech, the narcissistic attempt to prohibit critical academic theories, an embrace of all religious faiths as viable in their own right, and a heartfelt determination to secure liberty and justice for all; regardless of race, creed, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious practice, economic opportunity, gender identity, and critical thinking practice. That is what makes America and Christianity truly great!

This article originally appeared on Carlsbad Current-Argus: Genuine Christian patriotism