This Genius Mom Dressed Her Baby Up as Glossier Boy Brow for Halloween, and It Was So Easy

Halloween is still technically a couple days away, yet the world has already been exposed to countless on-point costumes throughout the week. Celebrities are really pulling it out this year: Demi Lovato made fans swoon with an elaborate Marie Antoinette get-up; Halsey pulled out a flawless Marilyn Manson; Ashley Graham went full glam with her Jessica Rabbit look. And these are just a few of the amazing costumes we've seen thus far — but one baby (yes, a baby) has just blown them all out of the water.

Sofie Pavitt, who operates a skin-care treatment center in New York City, dressed her baby up as Glossier's beloved Boy Brow eyebrow gel for Halloween, and to be frank? We're losing it. "ITS A BOY! (BROW)..." she wrote in the caption of her baby Boy Brow post. "WHO READY TO BUY THIS JUMBO SIZE?" The costume came complete with a white tube, black cap, signature logo, and even a fresh pair of dark baby eyebrows. And if this adorable showcase of makeup love weren't enough to sell you on a home-made Glossier costume, just know that Pavitt herself dressed as one of the brand's iconic pink bubble wrap bags to match.

<cite class="credit">Courtesy of Sofie Pavitt</cite>
Courtesy of Sofie Pavitt
<cite class="credit">Courtesy of Sofie Pavitt</cite>
Courtesy of Sofie Pavitt

"I run a facial studio on Canal Street, and I wanted to dress up as an iconic New York beauty product, and what better product than Glossier Boy Brow?" Pavitt tells Allure. And it was pretty easy to achieve, according to her. The brow gel container was put together at home using a pillowcase and felt letters, and its cap is just a piece of rolled-up cardboard. "And then I just bought a large pink roll of bubble wrap and used white and red duct tape for the binding on mine," she explains.

Look at these two and just tell us you're not about to try copying this before spooky season is over. Yeah, that's what we thought.

More on Halloween:

Now, learn how to remove heavy Halloween makeup the right way:

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Originally Appeared on Allure