Gen Z'ers Who Refuse To Work A 9–5 Job, Tell Us What You're Doing Instead

Recently, BuzzFeed asked Gen Z'ers who are choosing not to go to college to share their reasoning, and the responses were fascinating.

"Gen Z'ers Who Aren't Going To College Are Sharing What They're Doing Instead, And It's Eye-Opening"
BuzzFeed / Via

Some people wanted to avoid the inevitable debt, and others simply opted for specialty schooling instead. And this got me thinking about how Gen Z truly creates their own lane in the world, and how this can often extend to non-traditional career paths.

A man recording a video under a ring light
Andrii Lysenko / Getty Images

So I'd love to know: If you're a Gen Z'er who refuses to work a traditional 9–5 job, what alternative route are you taking?

Maybe you skipped college and trained to become a private pilot instead. So you'll be working on your own time, picking up trips from clients you've developed long-standing relationships with, and traveling the world.

Private airplane
Oleh Yatskiv / Getty Images

Maybe you've always had a passion for makeup, so you invested in a camera and a few video editing classes. Now, your goal is to share honest tutorials, promote inclusive brands, and become an influencer.

woman vlogger recording videos of her applying makeup
Isims / Getty Images

Or maybe your family owns a cyber security company and all you need is a certificate and training. So you'll be joining in on the business in the coming months.

Person writing an email
Rerf / Getty Images

Whatever the case may be, we want to hear about it! If you're a Gen Z'er who is choosing not to work a traditional 9–5 job, what is your alternative plan? Let us know in the comments. Or, if you'd like to remain anonymous, you can use this Google form. Your response may be included in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.