Gemini—Your September Horoscope Says An Old Flame May Contact You Soon, So Protect Your Heart

You’re in for an emotional rollercoaster ride this month, but at least that means your Gemini horoscope for September 2022 won’t be boring! In fact, it’s exciting right from the jump, because Mercury—your ruling planet—will oppose Jupiter in your 11th house of friends and acquaintances, spicing up your social life to a thrilling degree. However, your social dynamics won’t stay the same for long, so prepare for twists and turns.

However, when romantic and affectionate Venus enters your cozy and welcoming fourth house on September 5, it will inspire you to take a break from the outside world and spend time in your own safe space with your most trusted loved ones. Let this energy bring you back to your heart-center, especially once Mercury stations retrograde on September 9 and kicks up drama in your fifth house of romance and pleasure. This could bring lower the passion to a simmer if you’re not getting your needs met, and just when you least expect it, an old lover may pop out of the woodwork. It may be time to gain some closer!

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When a full moon in Pisces lights up your career sector on September 10, you can prepare for major developments to unfold in the public eye. There’s a chance you’re about to receive some major accolades from all your hard-work, so don’t shy away from the spotlight. However, if you haven’t been bringing your A-game, a conversation with your superior may be in the works.

Image: IMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster
Image: IMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

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On September 18, Mercury retrograde will oppose Jupiter all over again, which could mark a pivotal turning point in not just your love life, but also your artistic practice. As Mercury in your expressive fifth house opposes Jupiter in your idealistic 11th house, you could find that creative collaboration helps you make some headway on an art project you were this close to abandoning. However, as Venus opposes Neptune in your 12th house of unseen energies, you may be torn between your heart and your head. If you’re making excuses for a person who isn’t showing up for you, it’s time to see the situation for what it is.

A new moon in Libra takes place on September 25 may be the beginning of new beginnings in love and in life. This new moon will bring magic to your fun-loving fifth house, reminding you that life is meant to be enjoyed. Remember that deep down, you’re still just a kid who wants to have a good time! The world is your playground, Gemini.

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