Your Gemini Monthly Horoscope for January

Photo credit: Katie Czerwinski - Getty Images
Photo credit: Katie Czerwinski - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Put These Dates in Your Google Cal rn:

  • January 10: Examine your bank account

  • January 12: It’s time to think for yourself

  • January 20: Get ready to explore

Happy New Year, Gemini love! Welcome to the new decade! Things are changing right before your eyes thanks to the back-to-back eclipses: The Solar Eclipse that occurred on December 26 partners with the upcoming Lunar Eclipse in Cancer on January 10, highlighting the area of your chart that governs money and resources. So some unexpected changes within your day-to-day created a bit of financial dramz (and having to buy all those Christmas gifts definitely didn’t help)—well, start the year off by taking a good, hard look at your bank account.

Consider ways you can work to carefully delineate your savings from what you owe: it’s hard to have an accurate read on your moolah when you’re drowning in bills! Go ahead and call those scary creditors, prepare your 2019 taxes, or simply set up a savings account to help you maintain a healthy budget.

Two days later, Saturn and Pluto meet for the first time since 1982. This is a major astrological happening, Gemini love, and for you, it ties into this greater cash flow storyline. You begin to realize that your relationship with wealth is…quite complicated. In fact, your POV has been shaped by your parents, teachers, and societal expectations—but now it’s time to think for yourself. Saturn and Pluto won’t join forces again until the year 2053(!!!), so the standards you set during this time will influence the next 33 years. This is your life, Gemini babe; you have the power to guide your destiny. Don’t let fear hold you back. Be brave!

You’re always down for an adventure, but when the Sun drifts into Aquarius on January 20, you feel increasingly exploratory. You want to pursue long-distance travel, so pack your bag and make sure your passport is within arm’s reach. But if the jet-set life isn’t in the stars for you rn, Aquarius energy may inspire you to enroll in an exciting course, pick up a new hobby, or deep-dive on an intriguing conspiracy theory, er, philosophy. Over the next few weeks, you’ll be driven by your curiosities, so be sure to answer your call with a resounding “hell yes!”

Finally, the month concludes with a New Moon on Monday, January 24. After back-to-back eclipses, this gentle lunation will feel like a breath of fresh air. This is an excellent time to set intentions for the year ahead. Take a moment to look forward and back: How have you grown within the past year? How can you cultivate further change? Remember, there is no nocturnal illumination during this lunar phase—the sky is completely dark. Take this opportunity to look inward. Remember, all the answers you seek are already within you.

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