Your Gemini Monthly Horoscope for January

Your Gemini Monthly Horoscope for Januarymargie rischiotto - Hearst Owned

Add These Dates to Your GCal:

  • January 3: Venus enters Aquarius

  • January 6: Full Moon in Cancer

  • January 12: Mars ends its retrograde in Gemini

  • January 18: Mercury ends its retrograde in Capricorn

  • January 20: Sun enters Aquarius

  • January 21: New Moon in Aquarius

  • January 27: Venus enters Pisces

You’re overdue for a break, Gemini. Great news: that much-needed respite is on its way! Capricorn season can feel murky–the end of 2022 may have had you reflecting a lot on your past and rehashing old stories that are safe for you to leave behind. You’re more psychologically-minded than usual, so just know that it’s okay to grieve over past versions of yourself. This is a moment of healing, and you will rise, just as you have before! The month starts off with some encouraging news arriving on January 2, as someone with influence or power recognizes your efforts. You could receive news about a promising, supportive investment–whether one that's emotional or financial. Venus, the planet of desire, enters Aquarius on January 3 and you’re ready to try something new. You want to expand your mental world and do so through new experiences. Sign up for a new course, learn a new language, or book that bucket list trip at last!

The Full Moon in Cancer on January 6 illuminates the sector of your birth chart related to your finances. You could receive news about a raise, bonus, or promotion around this time. You may also be settling debts or having conversations with a partner about shared investments and finances. This could mark the ending to an old way of interacting with your budget. You’re ready to follow a new game plan for your 2023 finances! Your relationship with comfort and indulgence is also important at this time. Book a massage or healing session to unwind and release all that stress, bb.

The Sun and Mercury meet in Capricorn on January 7, and topics of debt, investments, and shared resources resurface once again. You may learn more information about your partner’s financial state, and it's an opportunity to get on the same page money-wise. This is also a wonderful time to grant forgiveness and compassion to past versions of yourself. You can release the past.

Everyone’s been complaining about Mars retrograde in Gemini for the past few months, but it's affected you the absolute most, Gemini! On January 12, Mars ends its retrograde and relief arrives. If you’ve felt stuck or uncertain how to move forward–the inspiration you’ve been waiting for comes back around. The cosmos asked you to deal with anger during the past few months–you may feel called to express some building frustrations and give them a voice.

Your needs matter and it’s okay to stand up for yourself and prioritize your energetic output for personal projects. Put yourself first! When Venus in Aquarius collides with Uranus in Taurus on January 15, brace yourself: You may feel drained AF. You’re normally someone who can’t resist FOMO, but opt into the unexpected, and choose to rest over raging, if possible. On the other hand, you may feel called to break away from your typical routine–push the boundaries if that feels more aligned!

The Sun and Pluto, both in Capricorn, share the same seat in the sky on January 18. Our shadows are starring us down in the mirror. This is a powerful time to do subconscious work and ask ourselves about our underlying motives. Are we taking action from an ego-driven place? Examine your relationships with guilt, shame, and fear. Sounds draining, sure, but it'll actually feel v empowering, promise. There's great wealth to be gained from genuine, deep introspection! On the same day, Mercury ends its retrograde in Capricorn–any financial issues that have been causing a pain in your neck begin to resolve. If you’ve been getting serious about healing and self-work, some revelations may arrive today and you're feeling totally empowered. The Sun enters Aquarius on January 20 and you’re feeling brave enough to try something new. The New Moon in Aquarius on January 21 piques your curiosity in a fresh way–what's something new you’d like to learn or experience? You’re ready to take risks and shift your perspective. A new mentor or spiritual practice could also enter your life around this time.

The month ends on a very generous note with Venus entering Pisces on January 27. Venus, the planet of fortune and blessings, brings good news and vibes to the career and reputation sector of your chart. If you’re waiting on a promotion or raise, it’s closer than you think. If you’re a content creator, this is viral energy–when you choose to be brave enough to really show up with your creativity, you'll def be be rewarded. Your magnetism and allure are also more potent than ever, so use all that charm to your advantage! Goals you’ve been working toward may also manifest–it’s time to indulge and enjoy the bounty of your hard work and labor. The month ends with encouraging news coming your way on January 30, when the Sun in Aquarius encounters Mars in Gemini. You’re feeling self-assured, supported, and confident on your path–all you've gotta do next is charge full steam ahead!

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