Gemini—Your January Horoscope Says Mercury Retrograde Will Take Your Life For a Spin

Read carefully, twins—your Gemini horoscope for January 2023 will help guide you through the twists and turns at the beginning of this new year. Although the new year may begin on a challenging note, it’s paving the way for so much growth and reward down the line.

Because Mercury—your planetary ruler—stationed retrograde as 2022 was coming to an end and Mars has been retrograding through your Gemini for months, you will need patience and diligence in your endeavors. Expect delays, technology hiccups, and conversation mishaps from mischievous Mercury, particularly in the areas of career and public reputation. Mars will be moving backwards through your first house of identity this month, bringing with it self-directed anger and frustration that will likely have you shouting into the mirror.

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Take a deep breath, because by January 18, they will both be direct and these complications will melt away. In the meantime, work your aggression out by getting into a physical activity or sport and take the time to make a plan, cross your T’s and dot your I’s, and find the humor. As you likely know, sometimes you have no choice but to laugh! Every Gemini knows that taking yourself too seriously is a recipe for a whole lot of boredom.

Image: IMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster
Image: IMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

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Meanwhile, dreamy Neptune is still moving through your 10th house of career and ambition. Wondering how to achieve your goals or what direction your life is going in? This is a beautiful time to get in touch with your instincts and let them guide you towards your path. Neptune may be opening the door to an artistic opportunity, as it expands your imagination and allows you to visualize your ideal future. On January 13, the sun will send positive energy to Neptune, granting increased sensitivity and the power to turn your dreams into a reality. This is a great time to keep a dream journal and stay connected to your subconscious. Just remember, Neptune can get carried away with fantasy so make sure to stay tethered to reality.

On January 26, expect to feel a burst of social charm as Venus enters Pisces and showers your 10th house of public reputation with fame and glory. All this friendly and affectionate energy will give you the opportunity to network with those you want to impress. Whether you’re trying to get a promotion or connect with a mentor, you will really be able to put your best foot forward. This is also a great aspect for creative work and artistic careers. Time to schedule those work drinks, show off your wit and schmooze!

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For the Year 2023

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