Gemini Horoscope 2020: What the Stars Predict for You This Year

Read your sign's monthly horoscope to see what the universe has in store for you, or check out the Gemini personality profile.

Welcome to 2020, Gemini. It's a busy year, but if anyone can handle it, it's you. Having a lot on your plate doesn't scare you. From lovers to all those creative projects, you are productive and prolific. On Sunday, January 12, Saturn conjuncts Pluto in conservative Capricorn. Such a conservative nature isn't a political statement, however; this transit asks you to save your energy in order to be as efficient as possible. Prepare to put dates and professional projects on the chopping block. If you try to do everything you might just end up with nothing. You'll find success by narrowing your focus to who and what really matters. Everyone and everything else will simply have to become one of many who experience Gemini heartbreak.

As the year progresses, restrictions loosen, and the projects you chose to invest in begin to flourish. For instance, perhaps you ended things with lovers who only kept you mildly entertained to make room for someone who sweeps you off your feet. On Saturday, March 21, Saturn enters progressive Aquarius. Again, don't think of the word "progressive" in terms of politics, but obvious progress due to your hard work. Your chosen partnerships expand to new opportunities, parties, travel, and even professional acclaim. You'll feel a sense of belonging, Gemini. You've been working on your priorities, and you'll begin to reap the rewards.

Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and abundance goes retrograde on Wednesday, May 13 until Thursday, June 25. Avoid making drastic changes to your appearance. Romantic partners may be up your ass during this time, and not in a good way. Retrogrades like to bring up unresolved issues in an effort to hammer spiritual growth into us. If you have a history of struggling to commit, get ready to deal with that crap again. Lovers become pushy about advancing the relationship.

Because Venus retrograde is an awful time to take things to the next level, their arguments will likely not be well received. However, you must take this time to dig deep, without fear, to ask yourself why you keep having to deal with this. Do you just want to be single? Are you interested in exploring polyamory? Do you just want to keep it casual? No matter what you're looking for, you must examine why you break hearts. If you don't, yours may be broken during this time. Tell your partner(s) that you care about them but need some time and ask to revisit the conversation once Venus retrograde is over.

This is a good time to experiment with ethical non-monogamy or group sex.

The entirety of 2020 will be intense. This is not a laid back year, so prepare to roll with the punches. Mars also goes retrograde from Wednesday, September 9, until Saturday, November 14. This warrior planet rules traditionally masculine traits, such as aggression and sexual desire. If Venus is a gorgeous goddess, Mars is a sexy, sweaty fighter. When Mars goes retrograde, you may find it more difficult to put plans and desires into action. You may feel a bit as if all your attempts at forward motion in your career or sex life get shut down. This is a very frustrating feeling for everyone, but especially powerful signs such as you, Gemini.

You must find new ways of getting shit done. One upside of Mars retrograde is that the world feels more peaceful. Collaboration becomes the key to success. Invite others to help in professional matters, and see what it's like to let go of some control romantically. This is a good time to experiment with ethical non-monogamy or group sex.

This year is scattered with eclipses, but the one that affects you most is on Monday, November 30. This lunar eclipse and full moon in your sign, Gemini, brings monumental shake-ups and change. If you haven't shed your old skin yet, this eclipse does it for you. People you've been stringing along will turn the tables and dump you. You may walk into the office to hear giant and fabulous news about a project you've been working on all year. It's a day of culmination.

We're going to see change on a global scale in 2020. Remember, in tarot, the Death card doesn't mean literal death, but rebirth. The various retrogrades and eclipses all nudge you along to become a better version of yourself. In particular, you must learn to work with others professionally, become more focused, and quit with any shady dating bullshit.

Your personal growth hits a tipping point on Monday, December 21, when a conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn squares Uranus in Taurus. You may feel as if parts of yourself are being stripped away, and your old tactics of dealing with life are ripped from your hands. Remember — adapt or die. Use that intelligent, flirty, creative manner of yours to work with the flow rather than resist change and you will come out on top.

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Originally Appeared on Allure