Game of Thrones - who will win? Make your predictions with our interactive game

Like Three-Eyed Raven Bran Stark, use your powers of foresight to predict future plot twists
Like Three-Eyed Raven Bran Stark, use your powers of foresight to predict future plot twists

“When you play the Game of Thrones you win or you die. There is no middle ground” – so Cersei Lannister coolly said to Ned Stark.

There are only a few major players left standing in this most brutal of games. But as season eight approaches there are bound to be plenty of developments in store – and possibly some new claimants to the Iron Throne.

In the lull before each episode we’ll speculate on directions the plot might take. Using your responses, our game will generate our collective best guess for the following week’s twists and turns.

We'll also be using your predictions in the comments section to feed into the game.

Do let us know your hopes and fears for the episodes ahead in the comments below after playing.

Here’s a brief rundown of the strongest contenders for the Iron Throne going into Season 8:

Cersei Lannister

Cersei, currently ruling Westeros in her own name, thinks she’s won. But no-one is ever safe. A succession of bereavements has only increased her twisted cynicism and ruthlessness. Her brother-lover Jaime has deserted her, repulsed by her duplicitous plan to attack rivals Daenerys and Jon Snow instead of fighting the White Walkers.

Daenerys Targaryen

Silver-haired Daenerys has shown she has the grit to rule. She commands two powerful dragons that fight for her, but has lost her third - Viserion - to the Night King. In fact, right now her attention is almost entirely focussed on protecting Westeros from the undead hordes determinedly lolloping southwards.

Jon Snow

The Khaleesi is currently supported by Jon Snow, Bastard of Winterfell, who was recently declared King in the North. Unbeknownst to almost everyone, though, Jon is the legitimate son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark – meaning he has a stronger claim to the Iron Throne than anyone in the Seven Kingdoms. Having lived all his life believing he is illegitimate, Jon’s fortunes could potentially change once again… but would he even want to rule?

Tyrion Lannister

Cersei’s cynical but clever younger brother, Tyrion was driven from Westeros by his family’s machinations, only to return allied with Daenerys Targaryen. A dwarf, he is often underestimated by his enemies but is almost certainly the most intelligent character in the show. He wants to bring peace to Westeros, but can he?

Who will win and who will die? Conniving Cersei, Mother of Dragons Daenerys, King in the North Jon, downtrodden Tyrion? Or could a new contender emerge from the ashes?

Do you have a suggestion for someone with an even stronger claim to the Iron Throne? Who will be the first character to meet their grisly end? Will the living prevail over the Night King and the forces of the undead? Let us know your predictions  in the comments section below and help us shape the game as season 8 progresses.