Game of Thrones Stars Banned From Auditioning for Similar Shows

Photo credit: HBO
Photo credit: HBO

From Men's Health

Being an actor in Game of Thrones is probably a lot of fun – hanging out with some of the biggest names in the industry while running around in fancy cosplay and hearing spoilers well in advance.

But there's a downside. Actors in the show are apparently not allowed to audition for similar shows, because producers want to avoid any and all association. Bit difficult when nearly every British actor going has popped up in Westeros, but hey ho.

Actor Ian Beattie was speaking at MCM Comic-Con Birmingham, where he said: "It's quite unusual because there was another show, that I'd rather not name if you don't mind, which was auditioning.

"It's based on a video game and I can't remember if Amazon or Netflix were doing it. But at the bottom of the casting call: 'No Game of Thrones actors'.

"And that's not the first time that's happened. And I'm thinking, there's some pretty bloody good actors in Game of Thrones. What the heck? But they did not want any form of brand recognition. That's to do with the identity of the show. This is obviously a show that sees itself as a Game of Thrones-type show.

"It isn't out yet, it's being made I think as we speak. So they obviously don't want any crossover whatsoever, which is fair enough. I won't be watching it, but OK."

Hmmm, a Game of Thrones-esque show that's based on a video game being made by Amazon or Netflix. What could it be?!

Okay, it's probably The Witcher – unless Amazon have an adaptation of Knack II up their sleeve that they haven't announced yet.

Beattie, who played nasty pasty Ser Meryn Trant, also reiterated the Thrones cast won't appear in the prequel, and discussed that he got quite annoyed at a cast member for dropping a big spoiler.

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