The Memes From Tonight’s ‘GoT’ Are Fully Iconic

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Photo credit: Twitter

From Cosmopolitan

  • Sunday night’s episode of Game of Thrones has been an absolute, and I can’t stress this enough, sh*t show thanks to the deaths of major characters and an epic battle at Winterfell. And no, fans are not okay.


  • Louder for the people in the back: S-P-O-I-L-E-R-S A-H-E-A-D!

Welp, it finally happened: After weeks of making questionable fan art patiently waiting, Game of Thrones fans sat down to watch the Night King’s army storm Winterfell in a battle that rendered everyone dead, including me. And the internet has fully lost the tiny amount of remaining chill it had. In other words: I’VE NEVER FELT MORE SEEN.

Before we get to this week’s best (by which I mean most extra) memes, please keep in mind that this post contains spoilers! Which brings me to a quick recap of things that have happened in tonight’s episode, none of which I am emotionally prepared for:

Melisandre shows up and lights everyone’s swords on fire because she’s Harry Potter levels of magic. Meanwhile, Jon Snow solo-flies a dragon and is terrible at it, Bran sits next to a tree doing absolutely nothing, Beric dies saving Arya’s life, everyone in the crypts reanimates, and poor Jorah and Theon die. Oh, and ARYA KILLS THE NIGHT KING, saving the day in the process! In other words, it’s a lot, much like these memes.

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