The Game-Changing Amazon Gadget You Wished You Knew About Years Ago (It’s on Sale Right Now!)

<span>Credit: Amazon</span> <span class="copyright">Credit: Amazon</span>
Credit: Amazon Credit: Amazon

Over the years, it’s normal to cycle through different haircuts, marking eras of your life by the lengths and colors you’ve rocked. Regardless of your hair’s status, though, maintaining control over scalp health can be a struggle. Dandruff, itchiness, and buildup can often be a challenge, and many over-the-counter dandruff treatments don’t do the job (and the effective ones boast a hefty price tag). Last spring, a low-cost solution emerged—a simple shampoo brush from Amazon, featured in our roundup of Reddit-approved home products.

This versatile brush has proven to be transformative in enhancing scalp health. The daily routine involves pouring shampoo onto the brush side for a gentle head massage, promoting a soothing start to each morning. The brush’s impact addresses concerns like dandruff and aligns with various hair care needs.

Maxsoft Hair Scalp Massager at Amazon
Maxsoft Hair Scalp Massager at Amazon

So, what makes this brush so magical? Dr. Michelle Green, a cosmetic dermatologist in New York City, says it all comes down to exfoliation. “Scalp massage brushes aid in stimulating the cells within the scalp, causing the blood flow to increase and promoting the distribution of nutrients throughout the scalp and hair roots,” she says. “[They] also help remove dirt and buildup that clog the hair follicles on the scalp. This helps promote hair growth as well as boosting hair health.”

Besides having a dermatologist’s stamp of approval, the brush also has nearly 90,000 reviews on Amazon and a 4.6-star rating. Even if you don’t struggle with flakiness, a scalp massager can provide a lot of benefits. It can prevent greasiness, and some reviewers say it helped them use less shampoo and remove stubborn product from their scalp.

“About five days before I received it I dyed my hair at home…to my surprise a ton of hair dye that was stuck on my head came off,” said one reviewer. “Not only that, but my scalp feels breathable and clean.”

Another Amazon customer who struggles with seborrheic dermatitis, a condition that causes dry, scaly patches on the scalp, found that the brush was an effective replacement for washing with apple cider vinegar. “I can use my normal shampoo/conditioner still, and my scalp is SO much better…” Countless commenters raved about how soothing the massage feels. “It’s like little massaging fingers running through my scalp.” said a reviewer. “I love this thing. I don’t know why I waited so long to have one.”

Buy: Maxsoft Hair Scalp Massager Shampoo Brush, $6.98