The Future of Indonesian Surfing Is in Good Hands with Bronson Meydi (Video)

Most surfers spend months (and sometimes even years) collecting clips. Not Indonesia's Bronson Meydi.

"Bronson is next level," says Max DeSantis, who edited "Missing Pieces," the latest offering from the young up-and-comer. "We had so many clips that would have been A+ for almost any other surfer, and we didn't even think to use them. It's crazy, I honestly think Bronson could film five edits in five months. He's that good."

Clocking in at 4-minutes, "MP" is a dizzying highlight reel. Literally. Meydi is one of the most progressive surfers in the world right now. No kidding. Watch the series of airs he stomps starting at the 2:00-minute mark. It's as though someone is controlling Meydi with a PlayStation 2 remote while playing Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer video game. And the two 'oops he ends this edit with? Psycho.

The craziest thing? Meydi underwent full ACL reconstruction just nine months ago. And some of the airs in this edit are from after his surgery.

Think about that: Most people don't even return to their sport until nine months after major knee surgery. Meanwhile Meydi is out here doing four-foot full rotes and landing in the flats while in "recovery."

So yeah. It's not a matter of if, but rather it's a matter of when Meydi joins Rio Waida as the second surfer from Indonesia to qualify for the CT.


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