Funny Orange Cat Raised with Dogs Totally Thinks He's a Pup

This silly cat acts just like his dog sibling!

If a cat was raised around dogs or spent a lot of time with them, it's possible that they picked up some canine behaviors. Just ask TikTok account  holder @Kaizargoeswild who has an absolutely gorgeous orange cat named Kaizar who has totally forgotten he is actually a cat.

We have no idea why silly Kaizar behaves this way, but it's possible that if a cat sees that their dog sibling is getting lots of attention for panting they might try to imitate the behavior in order to get the same level of attention. Or else Kaizar just thinks he's a dog. Watch the following and see what you think!

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It should be noted that Kaizar's owners state in the video that he has been to the veterinarian numerous times to be checked for heart and lung diseases, but the vet has given him a clean bill of health. Judging from how gorgeous Kaizar is, he could also have a bit of Maine Coon in him and those cats exhibit a lot of canine qualities, like playing fetch and begging.

@Ayanleese is all too familiar with this behavior, and comments "My mom's cat did this for 16 years because he grew up with a German Shepherd lol." @Leannathomas adds, "I believe it about the barking. My cat was raised by our German Shepherd and he thinks he’s a dog and not a cat at all." @TinaMarie says, "Cat barking! I love orange kitties they're the best! Can't convince otherwise."

So sure, this cat thinks he's a dog, or this is just another orange cat doing orange cat things.

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