A So-Fun, So-Easy Fourth of July Chocolate Bark

Photo credit: Media Platforms Design Team
Photo credit: Media Platforms Design Team

When it comes to a big holiday celebration, our go-to dessert is always a hit: chocolate bark! And as you can see from our barks of holidays past (see here and here), it's quick, easy and totally versatile. The psychedelic blue and red swirls of this Independence Day version make it particularly mesmerizing. Let the kids pitch in with the decorating, too.

What You'll Need:

• 2 bags white chocolate chips (reserve 1 cup for swirls)

• Red and blue food coloring

• Assorted red, white, and blue sprinkles, chocolates, and candies

Step #1: Prepare Your Pan

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or foil.

Step #2: Melt the Chocolate

Empty 2 bags of white chocolate chips in large glass bowl, reserving 1 cup for later. Microwave for 2 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds or until melted. Spread melted chocolate into a rectangular shape on the pan, about 1/4-thick.

Step #3: Make the Swirls

Microwave 1/2 cup reserved white chocolate chips in small microwave-safe bowl until melted, about 1 minute. Stir in a few drops of red food coloring. Dollop on the surface of the bark and use butter knife to swirl in decorative patterns (This is where you get to be artsy). Repeat with the other 1/2 cup white chocolate chips and blue food coloring.

Step#4: Add Your Toppings

Break out the red, white, and blue sprinkles, chocolates, candies and scatter all over the bark.

Step #5: Chill the Bark

Refrigerate bark 1 hour or until firm.

Step #6: Break It Up!

Break bark into pieces; store in tightly sealed container in refrigerator up to 1 month.

Photo credit: Media Platforms Design Team
Photo credit: Media Platforms Design Team

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