You Can Fully Rent Harry Potter’s Childhood Home on Airbnb for $142

You Can Fully Rent Harry Potter’s Childhood Home on Airbnb for $142

From Cosmopolitan

  • Harry Potter's childhood home is available to rent on Airbnb and honestly TAKE MY MONEY.

  • You can rent the De Vere House (where Lily and James Potter lived) in Lavenham for $142 per night.

Attention fellow Hufflepuffs: the time has come to empty your bank account and/or raid Gringotts Wizarding Bank and fly to ye olde England, because you can legit rent Harry Potter's childhood home. Before you get excited about spending a night in Harry's cupboard under the stairs, don't get it twisted: this isn't the Dursley's house. This is the home of James and Lily Potter, aka the place that Harry spent his infancy before He Who Must Not Be Named (Lord Voldemort) rolled in and ruined everything.

The real-life home is known as the De Vere House, and was a former five-star bed and breakfast before appearing on Airbnb. Spending the night will set you back $142, and for that price you'll get "two four poster bedrooms both with en suite bathrooms," as well as a "private guest sitting room with log fire and courtyard garden." On top of all that goodness you'll enjoy a full English breakfast in the morning—though it's unclear if they're serving Butter Beer.

The home itself is in the town of Lavenham, aka "Britain's finest medieval village," and honestly I'm not sure why you're still reading this when you could be booking a stay. Goodbye!

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