Full Video: Coco Ho’s Dreamy Surf Trip in ‘Adrift’

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Mentawai boat trips…they’re like the surf equivalent of an all-inclusive resort, where you don’t have to lift a finger, the food and drinks are covered, and it’s always 5 o’clock.

Sandals or Beaches (do those still exist?), something like that. But with perfect waves.

Coco Ho recently had her version of the all-inclusive resort experience – minus the king-sized, ultra-luxe bed; add a touch of motion sickness – and made a film about it.

The full-length edit, dubbed Adrift, recently premiered during the US Open of Surfing, and it features Coco in paradise, shredding all of the Mentawai’s best waves to bits. And it turns out, Coco’s got an air game, too; she throws down a handful of punts in the edit, almost like her brother, Mason.

With the music, the setting, and Coco’s flowy style, the clip is, as the kids say, a “vibe.”

And folks in the comments thought so, too:

“Well surfed, well filmed, well scored, well edited. Cheers!”

“Excellent vid..... Surf 2'-3' low tide, garbage this morning in Newport Beach and saw this video and just had to day dream! Great surfing/great cinematography.”

“Great video, loved that last song, Aretha Queen the of Soul...Coco, the Queen of Surfing...”

“Where there's Coco there's awesome surfing, vibes and ohana spirit.”

“I’m in love wit the coco”

Amidst the slew of internet clips that come across our desks daily, this one’s a nice change of pace. Some thought, effort was put into it, making it well worth a watch.

Well done.


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