How The Full Sturgeon Supermoon In Aquarius Will Impact Your Sign This August

  • The Full Sturgeon Supermoon in Aquarius is happening on August 1, 2023.

  • During this astrological event, you'll want to make the most of summer by trying new things and creating awesome memories with friends.

  • The full supermoon impacts all zodiac signs, but Aquarius and Leo will feel it most.

Sadly, summer doesn’t last forever. And, while there's still a full month of the best season ever ahead of you, you’ll suddenly be hyper aware that the bulk of warm weather and sunny days is behind you.

Well, you can thank the Full Sturgeon Supermoon in Aquarius for that. On August 1, 2023, this powerful full moon will push you to create some epic summer memories with your buddies while you still can, according to Donna Page, a certified astrologer in Atlanta. But that's just a sneak peek of what's in store for your zodiac sign.

Here’s what else you can expect from the Full Sturgeon Supermoon in Aquarius, and how it’ll impact your life going forward.

Wait, what is the Full Sturgeon Supermoon in Aquarius, exactly?

You probably already know this, but the moon goes through different phases—and during a full moon, it’s a big and bright ball in the sky. This particular full moon’s name comes from a mix of Native American, Colonial American, and European sources. The Full Sturgeon Supermoon gets its name because it tends to happen around the same time as the giant sturgeon of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain were caught the most, according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac.

When it comes to astrology, each full moon lines up with a different astrological sign, giving it a special vibe. This is also a supermoon, which basically means that it has an even stronger astrological impact than your typical moon, Page says.

How will the Full Sturgeon Supermoon in Aquarius impact your zodiac sign?

This full supermoon is all about making connections with your buddies. Someone’s doing a bonfire? You’re there. Oh, and they can count you in for the bar crawl, overnight beach trip, and pretty much anything else that’s happening through the rest of summer.

At the same time, there’s an energy encouraging you to live and let live. Yeah, you may not be totally thrilled with who your BFF is dating right now or her choice to move to a new city for a job, but you also know that it’s not your life.

Venus is in the mix, too, encouraging you to follow your heart. Maybe you'll finally go on that blind date your friends are dying to set up for you, or you’ll decide to take a weekend trip alone and reflect on what's most important to you.

During this full supermoon, you’ll also be down for doing things that are a little different from your usual routine, whether it’s going on a river cruise or trying out that new vegan-fusion restaurant in your area. If it involves expanding your horizons, you’re there.

The full moon will impact all zodiac signs, but Page says that Aquarius and Leo will feel it the most.

How will the Full Sturgeon Supermoon in Aquarius impact your future?

Taking the time for good old-fashioned fun with your friends will only help strengthen your bond—and make you even closer to your chosen family. You’ll create memories that’ll stick with you forever, and that’s a pretty big deal.

Taking a more laidback approach to what the people in your life are doing can also go a long way toward helping you build on already strong relationships. Everyone just wants to be accepted for who they are, so why not lead by example? And, when you’re cool with what other people are doing, the odds are much higher they’ll give you the same courtesy when you need it down the road.

As for trying new things—you can’t go wrong when you mix life up. You’ll love the feeling so much that you’ll try to find inventive ways to do it more often going forward.

When is the next full moon?

The next full moon is on August 31, 2023 in the sign of Pisces. During this full moon, you’ll be a little more sensitive than usual—but not in a bad way. For now, soak up the sweetness of summer (it'll be good to the last drop).

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