The Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius Will Be Just as Juicy as It Sounds

Get *berry* excited as a fruitful culmination will come into focus with the upcoming full Strawberry Moon of June 2023. As the joyful lunation approaches, there may be this innate sense of optimism while reflecting on what has come to fruition since the end of November 2022.

The beauty of astrology is that the cosmos can be used as a tool for self-improvement, manifestation and accountability. Although there are many astrological opportunities to consider, the full and new moons are commonly used to gauge personal progress. Every month, the full moon will represent the end of one cycle while the new moon represents the beginning of a new lunar cycle. As the full moon unfolds, there might be an overwhelming sense of nostalgia since this lunation will encourage reflection on the last six-month cycle or chapter. Full moons are typically great for allowing something to end or capitalizing on the end of a cycle to feel complete with what has come to fruition. So, the full moon may feel bittersweet since this encourages letting go. Luckily, the new moon will spark excitement since this lunation is the perfect time to set intentions to see what will manifest over the next six months. Although one cycle comes to an end during the full moon, the new moon offers a chance to look toward the future with hope.

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Not only does the full moon serve as a checkpoint for personal progress, but it also has spiritual and naturalistic origins. The full moon in June is known as the “Strawberry Moon”, but not for the reasons that you may think. Although the Strawberry Moon will take on a golden, reddish hue around sunset, the name of this lunation corresponds with the early harvest of fruit around this time of year. Usually, the Strawberry Moon occurs when there’s an abundance of flowers and berries that are ripe for picking.

STYLECASTER | Weekly Horoscope Full Moon
Image: Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

The Full Moon in Sagittarius, Explained

The full moon will take place on June 3 at 11:41 p.m. ET, rising at 13 degrees Sagittarius while opposing the sun in Gemini. In astrology, Sagittarius represents exploration and ideologies, while Gemini represents curiosity and communication. Although both zodiac signs share the axis of education, each zodiac sign has a different way of expanding their worldviews. If Sagittarius is the professor, Gemini is the student. As the opposition between the curious sun and adventurous full moon unfolds, it will be important to know when to ask questions versus when to assert an opinion. Don’t be surprised if everyone seemingly has something to say during this chatty opposition! Being mindful of tone, turf and timing will help with avoiding the classic “foot-in-mouth” syndrome.

The Strawberry Moon takes place on June 3 at 11:41 p.m. ET.

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Think about what has come up since the end of November 2022. The last six months will be in focus during this full moon since this lunation represents the end of this lunar cycle. Since Sagittarius rules over adventure, travel and higher education, so this six-month cycle could have been eye-opening in more ways than one. You may have gone way beyond your comfort zone to explore unknown territory or could have exposed yourself to thought-provoking worldviews that may have challenged your perspective on life. Although Sagittarius has an “onward and upward” mentality, it might be worthwhile to pause for the cause since something about the past six months could serve as a valuable life lesson.

Given that the full moon is occurring on Saturn’s day, the magickal correspondence of the weekday may infer a more serious tone for an otherwise jubilant lunation. Saturn is the master malefic planet that rules over boundaries, restrictions, hard work and perseverance. Usually, Saturn has a harsher tone since this planet infers rigidity and karmic repercussions. In this case, the magickal correspondence of the moon occurring on Saturn’s day may refer to reaping the rewards of overcoming trials and tribulations throughout the last six months. It will be important to turn your attention to what you have achieved instead of focusing on any pitfalls to align yourself with a more positive Saturnian perspective.

Aside from the full moon opposing the sun in Gemini, the moon will also form an auspicious trine with the asteroid Pallas in Leo. In astrology, the asteroid Pallas rules over strategy, intellect and craft. As of right now, Pallas in Leo alludes to strategizing according to one’s innate creativity, self-expression and confidence. When the full moon harmonizes with Pallas, a sense of ambition will amp up since the lunation will expand upon the asteroid’s intuitive side to move forward. Emotional desires and triggers will be the catalyst for progress during this trine. However, the catch is being action-oriented since trines can be an infamously lazy aspect. If something intuitively arises that feels right to pursue or follow, then honor this feeling during the moon-Pallas trine!

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