The Full Pink Moon In Libra Will Have You Reassessing Your Relationships This Week

  • The Full Pink Moon in Libra is happening on April 6, 2023.

  • During this astrological event, you'll be focused on the balance in your relationships.

  • The full moon impacts all zodiac signs, but Libra and Aries will feel it most.

Relationships are a crucial part of your life but, ya know, they’re a give and take process. Finding that sweet spot of doing what you can to support the people in your life, while also getting the love you need in return can take time. But thanks to the Full Pink Moon in Libra, it’s all going to come together sooner than you think.

On April 6, 2023, this full moon will have you laser-focused on doing what you can to ensure your relationships are solid, according to Donna Page, a certified astrologer in Atlanta. But that's just a taste of what this astrological event has in store for your zodiac sign.

Here’s what else you can expect from the Full Pink Moon in Libra, and how it’ll impact your life going forward.

Wait, what is the Full Pink Moon in Libra, exactly?

You’re probably aware that the moon goes through different phases. During the full moon, it’s big, round, and, er, full. In astrology, each full moon syncs up with a different astrological sign to give off a special vibe.

This particular full moon’s name comes from a mix of Native American, Colonial American, and European sources. The Pink Moon gets its name because it tends to appear around the same time as pink wildflowers called creeping phlox bloom, according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac. Unfortunately, it doesn’t mean that the moon will ~actually~ be pink, but a gal can dream.

How will the Full Pink Moon in Libra impact your zodiac sign?

This full moon is all about the relationships in your life, whether it’s with your buddies, co-workers, family members, or romantic partner(s). You’ll take a beat—or three—to think about your relationships and how fair they feel to you. Like, are you’re always showing up for your sister, but not getting the same in return? What about with your work BFF? If things feel consistently off, it's time for a conversation or, at the very least, a change in your expectations of what these relationships can offer you.

You’ll also crave kindness in your relationships right now. If your partner makes a side comment that lands the wrong way, you’re really going to feel it—even if it wasn’t meant to upset you. Still, it’s important to speak up: Your feelings matter.

At the same time, you’ll spend a few moments mulling over how much balance you have in your life between your relationships and time for yourself. If you feel like you're always hopping from friend to friend without a moment to spare, it’s important to think about how you can get a little more “me” time in the mix. Ditto if you feel like you’ve been leaning pretty heavily into your love life and haven’t seen your pals in what feels like eons. This full moon is in the sign of Libra, so balance is crucial here.

The full moon will impact all zodiac signs, but Page says that Libra and Aries will feel it the most.

How will the Full Pink Moon in Libra impact your future?

Taking time to think about the people in your life and how they impact you is important to ensure that you create the happiest and healthiest environment for yourself. And, if everything (and everyone) around you is in balance, you’ll reap the benefits, too.

You’ll also learn to advocate for yourself more, whether it’s actually asking for things you need in your relationships or just speaking up about how you’re feeling in the moment. That can go a long way toward ensuring you feel fulfilled in the future.

At the same time, analyzing the balance in your relationships will also force you to mull over if you’re giving as much as you’re taking. If not, it’s time to step things up so you can be a better friend, family member, and S.O.

When is the next full moon?

The next full moon is on May 5, 2023 in the sign of Scorpio. During this full moon, you’ll get deep into your feelings—but in a good way.

For now, continue finding balance in your relationships. It’ll do you—and the people around you—a ton of good.

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