The Full Moon in Scorpio Is Coming. Are You Ready?

The Full Moon in Scorpio Is Coming. Are You Ready?

Um, a Scorpio Full Moon? Sounds intense! Late at night on Monday, April 26, there will be a Full Moon in the sign of Scorpio, which means that it will make an exact opposition to the Sun in Taurus. This Full Moon will also be a supermoon, meaning the Moon's orbit brings is closer to Earth than it usually is, so it might appear a little bit bigger and brighter.

Scorpio is a sign noted for its intensity and need for intimacy, as well as its ability to change. This difficult detail is, Scorpio is a fixed sign, meaning just like Taurus, it can be extremely stubborn and resistant when the tide shifts. In Scorpio’s perfect underworld, there would be a mixture of comfort and quality. Which is not to say that Scorpios are control freaks—they just prefer for life and people to conduct themselves in a particular fashion.

With this Full Moon being at 7 degrees, we can expect whatever has been bubbling and brewing in the background to be brought to the light. We are going to come to recognize where we need to let go of control. Some of us will allow ourselves to be much more vulnerable than we’d expect ourselves to be, and a lot of us will learn to accept that letting go is how we glow up.

Read your Sun/Rising horoscope:


Ummm, it looks like you need to let go of the desire to stonewall, Aries! The more secrets you keep from others, the harder it is for those who care about you to show up in the ways you need them to. Allow this Full Moon to be the emotional release you’ve needed, and confide in a trusted friend.


Taurus, you’re being called to let go of past relationships that you still have suppressed feelings for. You may experience an upset regarding a person you were once close with. Be open and tell them your feelings. If they can’t appreciate your vulnerability, then that's your sign to let go.


The Full Moon is asking you to be realistic about your daily habits. Be brutally honest with yourself. In some ways, you may live a bit of a double life, wanting to have your cake and eat it too. In a perfect world, you could do both, but in the real world, that may not be possible. Recognize what isn’t working and let it go, babe.


No more keeping your genius to yourself! This Full Moon in Scorpio is providing you the depth and emotional fuel needed to express yourself. If you have an idea, write it down. Don’t be scared of trial and error. Be vulnerable, and watch the blessings rain down.


There's some baggage that’s been building up in your home. Are you ready to let go of it?At best, you may only need to go to your local Goodwill and make a donation; at worst, you may need to consider up and leaving. Ultimately, this Full Moon will help you recognize what needs to go.


There's no holding your tongue post-Scorpio Full Moon. You’re the type of person who tends to keep thoughts in your head, unwilling to let everyone know about the fullness of your plans. While you want to help others, you sometimes find that you’re being unfair to yourself. Speak up during this Full Moon. It’ll make a difference.


The Full Moon in Scorpio can be an amazing reckoning, if you let it. You’re being called to reexamine some of your values, which also includes your valuables. As Marie Kondo has said, take the time to consider what sparks joy and what doesn’t. Are you holding onto items, ideas, or individuals who are harmful to you? Allow your feelings to bubble to the surface instead of letting them drift on by.


It’s time to molt, babe! You're shedding your old skin to make room for something new. This is a wonderful time to get a haircut or a sugar scrub. Get in the spirit of releasing what’s keeping you from fully expressing yourself. If there’s an intuitive voice that’s pinpointing exactly what needs to be cut out, why not listen to it?


Sagittarius, it’s time to keep your dream journal by your side. Whip out your tarot cards or book a reading with your astrologer. The universe is about to expose secrets that you may be keen to already. If you have a hunch that something is off, it’s best to honor it.


It’s time to step into weave your way through your community, Capricorn. Allow yourself to step out of your comfort zone and speak up. This could feel odd, but there are so many dreams that came come into fruition when you let yourself be seen.


Aquarius, there is plenty of room for you to be the star at work. You have connections and talents that those around you can appreciate. It’s time to flex your networking muscle and be the master connector that you know yourself to be. People will appreciate the value that you bring to a room.


You have had your head in so many books, Pisces. It would be a waste of knowledge to not share it with others. Start creating Power Points and post them on Instagram (just don’t forget to cite your sources). The knowledge you have can change the world. Go do it.

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