The Full Moon in Libra Wants You to Embrace the Cringe

full moon in libra
Your Horoscope for the Full Moon in LibraGetty/Margie Rischiotto

Full Moons are a time for releasing and relinquishing. If you have an excess in your life, this is the time for it to go down the drain. Through silent meditation, exchanging of thoughts, or spiritual practice, Full Moons are a point when we can let go.

The Full Moon in Libra on April 6, 2023 offers you a chance to look outside your comfort zone. Following Western astrology, these complete Full Moon guides are monthly reminders to set and review your intention. Your horoscope is a prompt for self-reflection.

How does your comfort zone sabotage your ability to be fair to yourself and the world around you? Sometimes growth can be painful because it feels like parts of yourself are dying. As you learn and develop, there can be moments of cringe, or sensations that lead you to squirm. Naturally, it may feel best to avoid these moments because they might force you to reimagine yourself. Ego death is a difficult Grim Reaper to welcome, however, sitting her down for tea is exactly how to come to terms with the parts of yourself that you must transcend. That’s a poetic way of welcoming you to celebrate your flop era, take a joke, and step into the unknown!

On April 6, 2023, at 12:34 AM Eastern Time, the Full Moon in Libra will oppose the brutish Sun in Aries. The Full Moon in Libra may compel you to hold on to the sentimental drips and drops of your past by blocking, avoiding, and making excuses. Keep in mind that we all make mistakes. You can choose to make like the Sun in Aries and be an adult, even if you still feel like a baby. My challenge to you is to stop running from your icks and let yourself feel a little gross. That's exactly how to sort out the parts of your life that need to be released. Be well, babes.

Read your horoscope based on your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. Read for your Sun sign to gain insight based on the version of yourself that you’re maturing into, your Rising sign to reflect on your present state, and your Moon sign for guidance on how to care for your inner child.


Aries, there is a joy to your company and you are worth exclusivity. Picture this: Physical spaces, domains, and concepts all have the capacity to restrict access. So why not you? Yes, it may be lonely at the top, and that is sometimes the challenge of being hot. But babes, if you make yourself too available, then how do you expect real-world appreciation?


Taurus, old habits die harder when you undermine your inner knowledge. Intuition is fleeting. More often than not, it is a passing thought that is unlikely to cross your mind twice. It neither lingers, nor is it overthought. When intuition speaks, it demands to be listened to, or you could learn the hard way—whatever floats your boat.


Gemini, do you know the difference between an acquaintance, a friend, and a bestie? In the U.S. right now, all three words are often used interchangeably. The challenge you’ll face is discerning intention from actuality. A person who adores you and spends time around you is paying you a compliment, but it is ultimately up to you to determine if the appreciation is mutual.


Cancer, bad lessons learned from your caregiver can be a long-term detriment to your confidence and ability to form healthy relationships. Have you taken time to assess how limits, boundaries, and expectations were taught to you? As the Moon is illuminated by the Sun in the sky, allow for equitable expectations to replace unfair lessons.


Leo, you're able to outrun everything except the figments of your imagination. It's funny how all humans are able to lie to themselves. You can wholeheartedly know the truth and still create pretty little excuses for lies, omission, and deception. How would your life change if you chose harmony?


Virgo, breakups suck, but if it were meant to be, then you’d stay. Many of us are no strangers to overstaying our welcome, whether in friendships, with lovers, or in a dead-end job. My challenge to you is to get your goals in alignment so you can best idealize your dream lifestyle. The more you life in your truth, the easier it is for the universe to bring forth a formidable match. Welcome the healthy unknown.


Libra, admitting that your friend(s) were right is a first step towards self-compassion. Maybe you run, block, and fight the ideas that suggest you can be your worst enemy. Psychology suggests that our brains are naturally wired to do what is necessary to ensure our health and survival. The problem is when we become fixed in bad habits. What glitters might be cubic zirconia. No shade; maybe your besties can put you onto something better.


Scorpio, if this entire horoscope could be defined by the words “you know,” would you get the message? Every wellness fad will lead you right back to the same, obvious problem: When you’re ready to face the facts and admit to your shortcomings, then self-compassion has room to grow. Sometimes you must chill out before you can do anything else.


Sagittarius, dreams can come true when you release the need to control how the future presents itself. The idea that you know how to bend the unseen is self-sabotage; witch, please. Do you even know what you’re going to eat for lunch tomorrow? Focus on the tangible present, because it’s the only thing you can manage.


Capricorn, a revolution is occurring in your mind that’s ushering new ways of seeing respect. What you respect is what you find worth in. Worry less in characterizing who you value, and instead become precise in what, why, and how you value. In due time, your subconscious will do the rest. This redefining period might feel shaky, but try to trust the process.


Aquarius, you must be willing to be wrong. Perhaps you have the world to teach your community, but you need to get a few things corrected first. Water bearer, the most powerful expression of strength is vulnerability. Are you willing to clean up your act?


Pisces, real recognizes real. Hey fish-face, at this point, you can sense a good thing when it’s in your tank. Instead of swimming away from your next best thing, how about you swim towards it? You might be surprised by how pleasant your next underwater experience is. You need not understand the unknown to enjoy it. Simply trust you’ll leave when logic no longer serves you.

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