Friend Receives the Most Thoughtful Gift After Her Dog of 9 Years Passes Away

No matter how much time has passed, grieving the loss of your pet is never easy. People process the tragedy in different ways. Luckily, there are friends and family to lean on during this difficult time.

TikTok user @ketohalfasser's dog of 9 years, unfortunately, cross over the rainbow bridge recently. Her friend decided to make her the sweetest surprise when she heard the terrible news. Trust us when we say, this is the most thoughtful gift for a grieving pet owner we've ever seen. Grab a tissue for this clip.

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The tears won't stop coming! This is seriously such a beautiful and meaningful gift. Now, she'll never have to sleep without her dog again. She can wrap herself up in the memories forever. Oh no, here come more tears.

"I’m crying over how thoughtful this is. What an amazing friend," wrote @littlewing4. Right? The time and effort it must've taken to make this is beyond incredible. This friend deserves an award for this. @_yessibaby_ added, "I am sick and tired of this dang app making me cry every day." SAME!

This friend truly went above and beyond to give her something so special. But any gift you give to someone who lost their pet is meaningful. Even listening or a few heartfelt messages can go a long way. If you are looking to purchase a pet loss sympathy gift, there are plenty of options. You could get a painted portrait of their pet, a memorial stone or garden statue, or a book on coping with the loss of a pet. And honestly, just being there for your friend means more than you know.

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