The Freshest, Most Delicious Spring Produce to Buy in April

Spring vegetables in the sink
Spring vegetables in the sink

Dana Gallagher

Spring is here, and there's an array of fresh produce coming to your local grocery store and Farmers Market. Are you eager to cook new season favorites like asparagus and rhubarb? Or curious about less well-known treats like fresh fava beans and ramps? All of this seasonal produce (and more) will let you create farm-to-table feasts throughout the month. Ahead, the best produce to buy in April.

Related: These Are the Vegetables Our Food Editors Are Looking Forward to Cooking with This Spring



This pungent member of the allium family is cousin to wild onions and wild garlic and tastes like a cross between the two. Ramps are only available now until mid-May, so don't dally! Try them every which way while you have the chance —grilled, pickled, sautéed in butter, blanched, and chopped into a vinaigrette—you can't go wrong.


Romulo Yanes


Is there a vegetable more synonymous with spring than asparagus? Whether you like your spears thin or fat, they're delicious steamed, roasted, grilled, sautéed, stir-fried, and yes even boiled. This vegetable also lends itself well to soups, salads, pastas, and so much more. It's amazing what you can do with a bunch of asparagus!

rhubarb bunch
rhubarb bunch


Spotting rhubarb at the farmers' market feels akin to striking gold in our book. We look forward to cooking with the ephemeral, vibrant pink stalks every year. Rhubarb of course makes sensational pies—after all, its nickname is "pieplant"—but it also works beautifully in other desserts, as well as all sorts of savory dishes. Pro tip: stock up on rhubarb now and freeze it to use later in the year.


Fava Beans

We love the nutty, slightly grassy flavor of favas so much that we don't even mind the slightly time-consuming peeling process. Yes, you have to peel them twice, but trust us, once you have your first taste of fava beans, eating them will become your new springtime ritual. Favas also have a short season—they're only available until May—so snatch them up while you can.

two artichokes one cut in half
two artichokes one cut in half

Rita Maas


Don't be intimidated by fresh artichokes! They're not as prickly to prepare as they seem. Plus, they're packed with vitamins, fiber, and folate and super versatile in the kitchen. Artichokes are delectable steamed, fried, baked, braised, or even raw, thinly shaved in a salad. They're at their peak until May, so now is the prime time to experiment with artichokes.