This French Trend Is The Old-Money (and Practical!) Hack to Try This Spring

A door opens and leads to an elongated hallway where a runner or area rug can be seen

Window curtains offer privacy and regulate the temperature in your home, so why wouldn’t you hang curtains in front of your door, too? It’s a trick restaurants sometimes use in the winter, but not often seen in homes. But one Instagrammer did just that — and people are not only loving the practicality of it, but also the cozy look of a curtain in front of the front door.

Kerryanne from The Creative Saint Instagram account uploaded a video to her profile showing off her finished entryway. The entire space has a slight nautical feel to it with antique touches that make it feel like an old seaside cottage. And the pinstripe curtain she hung above the front door helps drive that feeling home.

“Just love the door curtain,” one person commented, adding, “[I] really want one when we get round to doing our hallway.” Another commenter added, “I don’t feel like this has any practical purpose and I 1000% want to do this to every doorway in my entire house.”

In a followup video, Kerryanne highlighted the door curtain and explained her reasoning for adding one to her front door.

“Firstly, they offer a barrier against draughts, stopping cold air from entering your home and warm air from escaping. This is particularly important for doors that lead to the outside,” she wrote in another Instagram caption. “Another benefit of using curtains to cover doors is that they help to reduce noise pollution. This can be especially useful if you live in a busy area.”

She also noted that they provide extra privacy if you have windows in your front door and, obviously, they add a lot of style and personality, too!

And Kerryanne isn’t the only person to swear by door curtains. “I’m from Arizona and I can assure you this helps in the middle of summer too!” one person said, with another adding, “They can look so classy and keep out the drafts! We have Victorian-styled interiors and I’m really wanting a heavy velvet curtain at every doorway to keep the rooms warm without wasting energy.”

Another commenter said, “I love a portière! They can look so classy and keep out the drafts! We have Victorian styled interiors and I’m really wanting a heavy velvet curtain at every doorway to keep the rooms warm without wasting energy.”

Door curtains are as useful as they are beautiful! Try one in your home to see and feel just how much cozier they can make your space.