French Bulldog's Excitement Over Seeing the Mailman Makes Our Day

These two are the best of friends.

Dogs are often stereotyped as being the enemies of mailmen. Many dogs bark at the mailmen that walk up to their homes and get territorial, but this isn't always the case. One dog is showing us his personal reaction to seeing the mailman for his neighborhood in this viral video, and it is too good to miss.

TikTok user @nsbbeachgirl32169 recently shared a video of her French Bulldog, Hamilton, greeting their mailman. Hamilton's mom says that the mailman is Hamilton's best friend, so check out the video to see the wonderful greeting between these two pals!

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Awww, these two have such an amazing friendship! We love how excited the mailman was to see Hamilton—there's no one sided friendship here. We can only hope to have the same relationship with the dogs in our neighborhood one day.

People in the comments can't believe how adorable this interaction is. @yoursithprincess72 said, "That is the cutest thing EVER. Best friends forever," and @rollins048 commented, "So adorable! That baby is overjoyed." It is so heartwarming to see how much love there is between these two! 

Others thought this mailman was just the best. @dogmom1613 commented, "I just know that’s his favorite stop on his route." Another user, @verlenciachambers2, said, "THIS is so sweet. Best mailman ever!" We totally agree! Hamilton's mom mentioned in her own comment that he brought Hamilton treats and toys on his birthday. How precious!

We are so happy that this friendship exists. Hamilton and the mailman both get a lot of joy from their daily meetings, and we can't think of anyone more deserving than those two. We hope the mailman doesn't get his route changed or Hamilton will be left wondering what happened to his best friend!

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