Freeriders Roadtrip To Find Rampage Terrain In Europe

One of the best parts about riding is loading into a vehicle with your buddies and going to camp at a new destination.

As it turns out pros enjoy that too. Watch the Giant Bicycles Freeride Team's video of a road trip through Europe to find Rampage style open concept freeride that they took last fall.

In this video, Tom Isted and his buddies loaded up and drove around Europe. They hit the Black Hills, a set of open hillsides with Jumps not too different from the Rampage site at Virgin Utah. If the competition were ever to expand to Europe, riding in the black hills would be a perfect spot.

As the rest of the video shows, there are a great deal of large jumps in Europe but not too many steep freeride zones.

The Black Hills was also where Tomas Lemoine filmed his goodbye video for Canyon. Read about the gnarly video below.

Related: Pro Bids Farewell To His Sponsor Of Nearly A Decade

Though Tom Isted got hurt and was unable to complete this video, The Brit will be back. We are excited to see what he can do at Darkfest, the competition where he set the world record for backflipping a year ago.

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