Freerider's POV Down Queenstown's "Most Iconic Secret Trail" Is Terrifying

Bike parks are known for being home to the hardest riding around. Whether it is jumps or tech the bike park usually has the gnarleist riding.

With that being said, even bike parks have limits. Sometimes, trails are built on the bike park that even they cannot sanction. The Jedi in Queenstown, New Zealand is one of those trails. Watch Olivier Cuvet take a lap below.

The Jedi is a secret trail in the Skyline Queenstown bike park. As you can tell from the video it is very steep and exposed. That pitch is so steep and the catch berms so small, that it is too risky to be a public trail.

The Jedi is over a decade old. As with most trails, it is far less loamy than when it was built. It has settled into being a fun, chunky trail.

Olivier Cuvet is a freerider and filmer from france. This fall, he made waves when he released a fantastic edit of a trip to Utah for Rampage. Read more bout it below.

Related: Olivier Cuvet And Friends Go "Road-Tripping In MTB’s Wonderland"

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