Freerider Goes Huge On His Short Travel Trail Bike

Nowadays a good portion of short travel trail bikes are about as capable as some dedicated enduro bikes and the video you are about to see is a full demonstration of that.

Take a look at Marcel Hunt stretching the legs of his new Forbidden Druid on some features traditionally reserved for big bikes in the video below.

It is really cool to see companies making bikes that have enduro-esque geometry with shorter, more playful travel options.

For a strong contingency of riders, the travel numbers that come alongside desirable geometry make bigger enduro brawlers a tough sell. Don't get me wrong, enduro bikes are purpose built machines that do what they do incredibly well, they can just be overkill for a lot of riders. 

A nice happy medium for riders who hit steep or fast and techy trails that want enduro geometry and don't need enduro travel is this latest crop of short to mid travel trail bikes. Again, they aren't for everyone, but for those looking to tackle otherwise unconquerable features or lines that don't require near-downhill bike travel, this new breed of bike can be the ticket.

Related: Rider Hits Large Drop On "Multi-Tool" Short Travel Bike

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