Four People Suspected of Sabotaging the Vuelta a España Arrested

second day of the tour of spain 2023 in barcelona
Vuelta a España Sabotage Suspects ArrestedEuropa Press News - Getty Images

After rain-slick roads, racing in utter darkness, and finish line crashes, the 2023 Vuelta a España has already had a tough first week. But the Spanish national police may have prevented what could have been the next headache for riders by arresting four people suspected of planning a sabotage on the race.

The suspects were allegedly planning to spill 400 liters of unidentified oil on the road during stage 3. According to the Policía Nacional social media, a video shows two drums with 200 liters each, of liquid that the suspects intended to release onto the road as the peloton passed. Police also found an activation device with an electrovalve and timer hidden in the bushes.

Officers can be seen dismantling a set-up that included a tube system placed on a bridge above the route, going from Súria to Andorra. The suspects clearly spend some serious time rigging the plan, including hiding the oil drums under greenery, and hiding the tubing.

According to Reuters, a statement from the police said that the liquid was “similar to motor oil.” Police also reported that the individuals were members of a group known as CDR that is seeking the independence of Catalonia.

The four arrested have already been released by the court, and ordered to stay at least 500 meters away from the remainder of the race. The investigation will continue, though, to determine if the suspects will face penalties dealing with road safety and the environment.

The 3-week race began in Barcelona on Saturday, and includes stages throughout Catalonia and Andorra before trekking the rest of the country to end in Madrid on September 17. Hopefully the remaining days will include nothing but exciting racing, pleasant spectators, and zero hazards on the roads.

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